Rüdiger von der Goltz

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Rüdiger von der Goltz, Rīdigers fon der Golcs, Rüdiger Gustav Adolf Joachim, Graf von der Goltz, Ridigers, Gustav Adolf Joachim Rüdiger von der Goltz, Gustav Adolf Joachim Rüdiger Graf von der Goltz
Aristocrat, Count, General, Military person, Public figure, WWI participant
Set cemetery

Gustav Adolf Joachim Rüdiger, Graf von der Goltz (December 8, 1865 – November 4, 1946) was a German Army general during World War I. After World War I he was the commander of the army of the Baltic German-established Government of Latvia, which played an instrumental role in the defeat of Russian Bolsheviks and their local allies in Latvia (1919) but was eventually unsuccessful in retaining German control over the Baltic region after World War I.


Von der Goltz was born in Züllichau, Brandenburg. A Major-General commanding the German infantry division of Guards on Foot in France, von der Goltz was transferred to Finland in March 1918 to help the nationalist government in the civil war against the Finnish "Reds" and Soviet Russian troops. He commanded the German expedition unit ("Baltic Sea Division") which landed at Hanko, Finland, between April 3-April 5, 1918, and then marched on the socialist-controlled capital Helsinki, which surrendered on April 13, 1918. The German military intervention aided the nationalist government of Finland to gain control over most of the country by May 1918.

After the November 11, 1918, armistice, the Inter-Allied Commission of Control insisted that the German troops remain in the Baltic states to prevent the region from being re-occupied by the Red Army. As many of the demoralised German soldiers were being withdrawn from Latvia, a Freikorps unit called the Iron Division (Eiserne Division) was formed and deployed in Riga and used to delay the Red advance. New volunteers arriving from Germany and remnants of the German 8th Army were subsequently added to the Iron Division, which was assigned under the command of von der Goltz. Also, Baltic Germans and some Latvians formed the Baltische Landeswehr, led by Major Alfred Fletcher.

In late February 1919, only the seaport of Liepāja remained in the hands of the German and Latvian forces. In March 1919, General von der Goltz was able to win a series of victories over the Red Army, first occupying Ventspils, the major port of Courland, and then advancing south and east to retake Riga.

After the Bolsheviks had been driven out from most of Latvia, the Allies ordered the German government to withdraw its troops from the Baltic region. However, the Germans succeeded in negotiating a postponement, arguing that this would have given the Bolsheviks a free hand. General von der Goltz then attempted to seize control of Latvia with the assistance of the local German population. The Latvian nationalist government was deposed while the Freikorps, Latvian and White Russian units moved on to capture Riga on May 23, 1919. The Latvian nationalists sought assistance from the Estonian army which had been occupying northern Latvia since earlier that year.

In June 1919, General von der Goltz ordered his troops not to advance east against the Red Army, as the Allies had been expecting, but north, against the Estonians. On June 19, the Iron Division and Landeswehr units launched an attack to capture areas around Cēsis, but in the battles over the following few days, they were defeated by the 3rd Estonian Division (led by Ernst Põdder). On the morning of June 23, the Germans began a general retreat toward Riga. The Allies again insisted that the Germans withdraw their remaining troops from Latvia and intervened to impose a ceasefire between the Estonians and the Freikorps when the Estonians were about to march into Riga. The British insisted that General von der Goltz leave Latvia, and he turned his troops over to the West Russian Volunteer Army.

Count von der Goltz later claimed in his memoirs that his major strategic goal in 1919 had been to launch a campaign in cooperation with the White Russian forces to overturn the Bolshevik regime by marching on St. Petersburg and to install a pro-German government in Russia.

Goltz also led troops as part of the 1920 Kapp Putsch. In the interwar years he was part of the right wing Harzburg Front, and in 1934 and was leader of the largely politically uninfluential right wing German State Party.

From 1924 to 1930, he headed the German government department on the military education of young German youth. On 17 July 1931 he handed over the command of the Economic Policy Association Frankfurt am Main to the Reich President Paul von Hindenburg.

He was married to Hannah Caroline von Hase (1873–1941), a granddaughter of Karl von Hase. A son of the same name, Rüdiger von der Goltz, was a lawyer. He died in the Kinsegg estate, village of Bernbeuren, Germany.

Source: wikipedia.org, news.lv


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Liepāja, domeworklv



        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription

        06.12.1917 | Somija pasludina neatkarību no Krievijas

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        15.05.1918 | The end of the Finnish Civil War

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        07.12.1918 | Beidz pastāvēt Baltijas apvienotā hercogiste. Pilnvaras tiek nodotas Ulmaņa pagaidu valdībai

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        05.01.1919 | Latvijas brīvības cīņas: Jelgavā Kalpaka bruņotā vienība tika noformēta par Latviešu atsevišķo bataljonu

        Latviešu atsevišķais bataljons, pazīstams arī kā Kalpaka bataljons, (1919. gada 5. janvāris - 1919. gada 20. marts) bija pirmā Latvijas bruņotā vienība Brīvības cīņu laikā Latvijas zemessardzes jeb Baltijas landesvēra sastāvā.

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        15.01.1919 | Latvia's war against Communist Russia for independence. Count Lieven's unit is established in Liepāja

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        16.04.1919 | Aprīļa pučs. Tiek gāzta Ulmaņa Pagaidu valdība

        Tiek arestēti vairāki K. Ulmaņa valdības ministri. Daļa valdības ar K. Ulmani patveras uz angļu kuģa "Saratov". Tiek izveidota vācu- krievu muižnieku atbalstīta Brimmera-Borkovska valdībā (27.04.1919.-09.05.1919)

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        26.04.1919 | Latvijā izveidojas trīsvaldība: A. Niedra Liepājā izveido vāciešiem lojālu valdību paralēli K. Ulmaņa Pagaidu valdībai un P. Stučkas Krievijas lielinieku valdībai

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        10.05.1919 | Tiek izveidota Andrieva Niedras valdība

        10.05.1919. — 26.07.1919.

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        22.05.1919 | Soļi Latvijas neatkarības atgūšanā: landesvērs atbrīvo Rīgu no Krievijas iebrukušajiem lieliniekiem

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        19.06.1919 | Cēsu kaujas

        1919. gada 19.—23. jūnijā notika Cēsu kaujas- tās bija vienas no izšķirošajām kaujām Latvijas un Igaunijas brīvības cīņās

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        23.06.1919 | Beidzas Cēsu kaujas

        A. Niedras valdības spēki sakauti, K. Ulmanis veido jaunu ministru kabinetu

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        03.07.1919 | Strazdumuižas pamiers

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        10.07.1919 | Latvijas armijas dzimšanas diena

        10. jūlijs ir diena, kad tiek izdota Latvijas armijas pavēle Nr.1. Apvienojot Atsevišķo brigādi ar Ziemeļlatvijas brigādi, izveidota Latvijas Armija. Par Latvijas apvienotās armijas pirmo virspavēlnieku tiek iecelts ģenerālis Dāvids Sīmansons.

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        06.10.1919 | Bermontiāde: Krievijas Baltijas provinču padomes izveide

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        08.10.1919 | Bermontiāde: Rietumkrievijas brīvprātīgo armija ielaužas Rīgā un ieņem visu Daugavas kreiso krastu

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        03.11.1919 | Bermontiāde: Latvieši Bolderājā sāk pretuzbrukumu Bermonta vadītajiem vācu- krievu algotņiem

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        10.11.1919 | Bermontiāde: Pārdaugavas operācija. Skultes muiža, Zasulauks, Torņakalns, Bišumuiža, Ziepniekkalns

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        11.11.1919 | Latvia Independence battles. Victory over the West Russian Volunteer Army in Riga

        On November 11 every year, Latvia lights up numerous candles to commemorate the Latvian army's victory over the West Russian Volunteer Army led by general Pavel Bermont-Avalov on November 11, 1919. On this day Latvia honours Latvian Freedom Fighters.

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        14.11.1919 | Bermontiāde: Liepājas garnizons atsit vācu- krievu uzbrukumu

        4. novembrī bermontieši sāka uzbrukumu Liepājai. Lielāko kauju Liepājas 1400 vīru lielais garnizons pulkveža leitnanta Oskara Dankera vadībā izcīnīja 14. novembrī. Neskatoties uz visām pūlēm, ieņemt pilsētu bermontieši nespēja. Demoralizētie bermontieši bezspēcīgā niknumā laupīja un terorizēja vietējos civiliedzīvotājus, apšāva latviešu zemniekus, nemaz nerunājot par bermontiešu rokās nokļuvušajiem Latvijas armijas karavīriem. Viņu līķus nereti atrada sakropļotus.

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        18.11.1919 | Bermontiāde: Jelgavas atbrīvošana. Notiek karaskolas kadetu cīņas pie Vareļiem

        1919.gada oktobrī jaunās Latvijas valdība bija plānojusi atvērt divas Kara skolas - Kājnieku un Artilēristu. Mācībām bija jāsākas 7.oktobrī, bet to apturēja Rietumkrievijas brīvprātīgo armijas uzbrukums Rīgai. Kaujās tika iesaistīti visi Kara skolas kadeti. Vareļu kauja ir nozīmīgākā visā Kara skolas cīņu vēsturē.

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        18.11.1919 | Bermontiāde: Jelgavas atbrīvošana. Kauja pie Skuju skolas

        1919.gada novembrī pie bijušās Skuju pamatskolas notika kauja ar Rietumkrievijas brīvprātīgo armiju, kurā 6. Rīgas kājnieku pulks zaudēja 16 kritušos un divus bezvēsts pazudušos, ievainoti tika 58 karavīri.

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        21.11.1919 | Bermontiāde: Latviešu karavīri atbrīvo Jelgavu no vācu-krievu algotņu karaspēka

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        22.11.1919 | Bermontiāde: Latviešu karavīri atbrīvo Tukumu no vācu-krievu algotņu karaspēka

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        25.11.1919 | Latvian War of independence. Latvia declares war to Germany

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        30.11.1919 | Bermontiāde: Antantes pārstāvji cenšas apturēt latviešu atbrīvošanās cīņas

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        03.12.1919 | Bermontiādes noslēgums: Pavēle par tālāku krievu- vācu algotņu vajāšanas pārtraukšanu

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