Pavel Bermondt-Avalov
- Birth Date:
- 04.03.1877
- Death date:
- 27.12.1973
- Length of life:
- 96
- Days since birth:
- 54076
- Years since birth:
- 148
- Days since death:
- 18714
- Years since death:
- 51
- Extra names:
- Pawel Bermondt-Awaloff, Pāvels Bermonts - Avalovs, Pavel Bermondt-Avalov, Bērmans, Avališvili, Павел Рафалович Бермонт-Авалов, , Pavelas Bermontas-Avalovas, Павел Авалов-Берм, Павел Рафалович
- Categories:
- Conductor, Knyaz (Prince, Duke), Military person, Musician, Nobleman, landlord, WWI participant
- Nationality:
- georgian, russian, jew, karaite
- Cemetery:
- Novo-Diveevo Russian Orthodox Cemetery, Diveyevo
Pavel Rafalovich Bermon(d)t-Avalov (Avalishvili) (Russian: Павел Рафалович Бермон(д)т-Авалов) (4 March 1877 – 27 January 1974) was an Ussuri Cossack and warlord.
Early lifeBermondt-Avalov was born at Tbilisi in Tiflis Governorate, modern Georgia. He adopted his second surname Avalov (Avalishvili) after his adoptive father, Georgian prince Mikhail Avalishvili. He received a musical education joining the Ussuri cossacks in 1906 after serving as a musical conductor in the Transbaikal cossacks. He joined a regiment of Lancers in 1909 and was promoted to Captain in 1914.
Civil WarHe was appointed to lead the German-established Western Russian army (subsequently frequently known after his name as "the Bermontians") which was meant to go to fight the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War, but, believing that communists would be defeated without his help,[citation needed] Pavel Bermondt-Avalov decided to strike against the newly independent nations of Lithuania and Latvia instead. His "Special Russians Corps" supposedly numbered about 50,000 men. He was one of the few anti-communist generals who openly propagandized monarchist ideals.
Bermondt-Avalov was promoted Major General in 1918. He took over the White Forces in the Baltic from Prince Anatoly Lieven, who commanded a contingent in the Baltische Landwehr. In 1919, his forces joined those of Major General Rüdiger von der Goltz to form the so-called "West Russian Volunteer Army" which attempted to proclaim the "Western Central Government" in Riga. German Free Corps were operating in the Baltic States since spring 1919 to keep away the Red Army. In summer 1919 the Entente States and the German government ordered the troops back, but the soldiers refused. Until beginning of October most of the 40,000 German volunteers entered the Bermondt-Army consisting of about 10,000 Russians, mostly former prisoners of war released from German camps. With this masquerade the Germans tried to keep their engagement in the Baltics and to secure German interests in the area. They used Bermondt for their own purposes. Since the German government stopped paying for the troops, finances were coming mostly from German economic leaders that had interests in the Baltics. At the end the Army printed its own money.
The Western Russian army managed to capture Zemgale, Courland (except Liepāja), Samogitia and entered Riga, but later were defeated by the Latvian and Lithuanian armies, with the help of the Estonian forces. This Baltic diversion of Bermondt-Avalov heavily contributed to his already existing reputation as an "adventurer" (such as General Bulak-Balakovich) especially among Latvian historians . Under pressure of the Baltic independent states then in formation, the Entente and the German government the Army withdrew. By mid-December 1919 the last Russo-German soldiers crossed the borders into Germany (Tilsit).
Post WarPavel Bermondt-Avalov then emigrated to Western Europe, where he published a book of memoirs. He lived in Germany from 1921 and was involved in right wing movements. He was imprisoned by the Nazis in 1936 and deported. He settled in Belgrade and later moved to the USA. Pavel Bermondt-Avalov died in New York City, USA, in 1974.
Honours and awards
- Knight of the Order of Saint George IV class
- Order of St. Anna
No places
Relation name | Relation type | Description | ||
1 | ![]() | Nikolajs Kropotkins | Idea mate | |
2 | ![]() | Walter Henry Cowan, 1st Baronet, Sir | Opponent | |
3 | ![]() | Anatoly von Lieven | Commander | |
4 | ![]() | Jānis Lavenieks | Soldier | |
5 | ![]() | Rüdiger von der Goltz | Comrade |
10.08.1904 | Today in 1904, Russia & Japan fought the Battle of the Yellow Sea
15.01.1919 | Latvia's war against Communist Russia for independence. Count Lieven's unit is established in Liepāja
10.05.1919 | Tiek izveidota Andrieva Niedras valdība
10.05.1919. — 26.07.1919.
23.06.1919 | Beidzas Cēsu kaujas
A. Niedras valdības spēki sakauti, K. Ulmanis veido jaunu ministru kabinetu
03.07.1919 | Strazdumuižas pamiers
10.07.1919 | Latvijas armijas dzimšanas diena
10. jūlijs ir diena, kad tiek izdota Latvijas armijas pavēle Nr.1. Apvienojot Atsevišķo brigādi ar Ziemeļlatvijas brigādi, izveidota Latvijas Armija. Par Latvijas apvienotās armijas pirmo virspavēlnieku tiek iecelts ģenerālis Dāvids Sīmansons.
06.10.1919 | Bermontiāde: Krievijas Baltijas provinču padomes izveide
08.10.1919 | Bermontiāde: Rietumkrievijas brīvprātīgo armija ielaužas Rīgā un ieņem visu Daugavas kreiso krastu
03.11.1919 | Bermontiāde: Latvieši Bolderājā sāk pretuzbrukumu Bermonta vadītajiem vācu- krievu algotņiem
10.11.1919 | Bermontiāde: Pārdaugavas operācija. Skultes muiža, Zasulauks, Torņakalns, Bišumuiža, Ziepniekkalns
11.11.1919 | Latvia Independence battles. Victory over the West Russian Volunteer Army in Riga
On November 11 every year, Latvia lights up numerous candles to commemorate the Latvian army's victory over the West Russian Volunteer Army led by general Pavel Bermont-Avalov on November 11, 1919. On this day Latvia honours Latvian Freedom Fighters.
14.11.1919 | Bermontiāde: Liepājas garnizons atsit vācu- krievu uzbrukumu
4. novembrī bermontieši sāka uzbrukumu Liepājai. Lielāko kauju Liepājas 1400 vīru lielais garnizons pulkveža leitnanta Oskara Dankera vadībā izcīnīja 14. novembrī. Neskatoties uz visām pūlēm, ieņemt pilsētu bermontieši nespēja. Demoralizētie bermontieši bezspēcīgā niknumā laupīja un terorizēja vietējos civiliedzīvotājus, apšāva latviešu zemniekus, nemaz nerunājot par bermontiešu rokās nokļuvušajiem Latvijas armijas karavīriem. Viņu līķus nereti atrada sakropļotus.
18.11.1919 | Bermontiāde: Jelgavas atbrīvošana. Notiek karaskolas kadetu cīņas pie Vareļiem
1919.gada oktobrī jaunās Latvijas valdība bija plānojusi atvērt divas Kara skolas - Kājnieku un Artilēristu. Mācībām bija jāsākas 7.oktobrī, bet to apturēja Rietumkrievijas brīvprātīgo armijas uzbrukums Rīgai. Kaujās tika iesaistīti visi Kara skolas kadeti. Vareļu kauja ir nozīmīgākā visā Kara skolas cīņu vēsturē.
18.11.1919 | Bermontiāde: Jelgavas atbrīvošana. Kauja pie Skuju skolas
1919.gada novembrī pie bijušās Skuju pamatskolas notika kauja ar Rietumkrievijas brīvprātīgo armiju, kurā 6. Rīgas kājnieku pulks zaudēja 16 kritušos un divus bezvēsts pazudušos, ievainoti tika 58 karavīri.