1 |  | Bermontiāde: Jelgavas atbrīvošana. Notiek karaskolas kadetu cīņas pie Vareļiem | 18.11.1919 | lv |
2 |  | Latvia Independence battles. Victory over the West Russian Volunteer Army in Riga | 11.11.1919 | en, lv, pl, ru |
3 |  | A socialist revolution led by Kurt Eisner overthrows the Wittelsbach dynasty in the Kingdom of Bavaria, Germany. | 07.11.1918 | en, lv |
4 |  | Vācijas ķeizars Vilhelms II ierodas okupētajā Rīgā | 06.09.1917 | lv |
5 |  | WW1. Vācijas veiktā pirmā lielākā Londonas bombardēšana, 162 cilvēki gāja bojā, 432 ievainoti. | 13.06.1917 | lv |
6 |  | The US Congress approved a declaration of war on Germany which allowed the USA to enter WW1 | 06.04.1917 | en, pl |
7 |  | Pirmais pasaules karš: beidzās Verdenas kauja | 18.12.1916 | lv |
8 |  | Leģenda: Jukums Vācietis Piņķu baznīcā no kanceles pirms kaujas uzrunā latviešu strēlniekus | 17.07.1916 | lv |
9 |  | Sākās Jūlija kaujas pie Ķekavas | 16.07.1916 | lv |
10 |  | WW1. The Battle of Verdun Begins | 21.02.1916 | en, lv |
11 |
| Conscription to the armed forces was introduced in Britain in WW1 | 24.01.1916 | en |
12 |  | WW1. Vācu karaspēks ienāk Liepājā | 08.05.1915 | lv |
13 |  | WWI, The Battle of Bolimow, The German army's first extensive use of poison gas in Eastern front | 31.01.1915 | en, lv |
14 |  | The Royal Navy gained victory over the German navy at the Battle of Dogger Bank in WW1 | 24.01.1915 | en |
15 |  | WW1: Japan declares war on Germany & soon besieges the German base at Tsingtao, China | 23.08.1914 | en, lv, pl |
16 |  | British Ally Japan Demands That The German Fleet Withdraw From Asian Waters | 14.08.1914 | en, lv |
17 |  | Britain declared war on Germany after the Germany had invaded Belgium | 04.08.1914 | en, lv |
18 |  | German monarch Kaiser Wilhelm banned the armed forces from dancing the tango | 17.11.1913 | en, lv |