3 wounded, 2 killed on London Bridge, London, UK

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Statement from Assistant Commissioner for Specialist Operations Neil Basu following the incident in London Bridge earlier today:

"I can confirm that at approximately 2pm today, Friday, 29 November, police were called to a stabbing at a premises near to London Bridge, EC1.

"Emergency services attended, including officers from the City of London Police and the Metropolitan Police.

"A male suspect was shot by specialist armed officers from City of London Police and I can confirm that this suspect died at the scene.

"A number of other people received injuries during the incident and as soon as we can provide further updates on their condition, we will. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to those anxiously awaiting news from loved ones.

"As you would expect, due to the nature of the incident, we responded as though it was terrorist-related. I am now in a position to confirm that it has been declared a terrorist incident. We are working jointly with the City of London Police as we continue to respond.

"Officers from the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command are now leading this investigation. I must stress, however, that we retain an open mind as to any motive. It would not be appropriate to speculate further at this time.

"Due to reports that the suspect may have had an explosive device, specialist officers also attended the scene and wide cordons are in place to ensure there remains no further danger to the public.

London Bridge shooting – Man shot, several injured in knife attack

"However, I can confirm that at this time, we believe a device that was strapped to the body of the suspect is a hoax explosive device. Officers continue to carry out meticulous searches in the area to ensure there is no outstanding threat to the public.

"Those extensive cordons will remain in place for a considerable time and I would ask the public please continue to avoid the area.

"Public safety is obviously our top priority and we will be enhancing police patrols in the City and across London.

"I would ask anyone with information, image or footage of the incident that this be shared with our investigation team to do so on the UK Police Image appeal website. I would also ask the public to "continue to remain vigilant and report any concerns they have to police."

+ Anyone with information that could assist with the investigation can call the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321. In an emergency call 999.

Anyone who may have footage or images of the incident is asked to send them to police via: www.ukpoliceimageappeal.co.uk


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