Stabbing at Parsons Green. One dead, two hospitalised

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A murder investigation has launched following a fatal stabbing in Fulham.

Police were called on Monday, 16 October at 19:37 hours following reports of three males stabbed outside Parsons Green Tube Station.

Officers attended along with the London Ambulance Service (LAS) and three men were found suffering from stab injuries.

A 20-year-old man [Victim 1] was pronounced dead at the scene at 20:30 hours.

His next of kin have been informed. Formal identification awaits.

A post-mortem examination will be held in due course.

The remaining males [Victim 2 and Victim 3 - ages unknown at this time] were taken by the LAS to a west London hospital.

Their injuries are not being treated as life-threatening or life-changing.

Victim 2 remains in hospital and Victim 3 has been discharged and arrested in connection with the incident. He is currently in custody at a west London police station.

Detectives from the Homicide and Major Crime Command (HMCC) are investigating and enquiries are ongoing.

Anyone who witnessed the incident or is possession of mobile phone footage should contact the HMCC on their incident room number of 0208 785 8099. To remain anonymous please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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