Soviet genocides. Balkar operation. 37,713 persons deported

3List of persons
Additional information

In 1944, the Soviet communist government forcibly deported almost the entire Balkar population to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Omsk Oblast in Siberia.

Starting on 8 March 1944 and finishing the following day, the NKVD loaded 37,713 Balkars onto 14 train echelons bound for Central Asia and Siberia.

The Communist regime placed the exiled Balkars under special settlement restrictions identical to those that it had imposed upon the deported Russian-Germans, Kalmyks, Karachais, Chechens and Ingush.

By October 1946 the Balkar population had been reduced to 32,817 due to deaths from malnutrition and disease.

The Balkars remained confined by the special settlement restrictions until 28 April 1956.

Only in 1957, however, could they return to their mountain homeland in the Caucasus.

During 1957 and 1958, 34,749 Balkars returned home

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