Day of Restoration of Independence of the Chechen State

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The history of the centuries-old struggle of the Chechen people for their independence is not only full of examples of mass heroism, but also filled with tragedy, genocide and deportation. The first Russian colonizers, pursuing the devious plans of conquest of the Caucasus, were met with resolute armed resistance. Realizing with which freedom-loving people they faced in the Caucasus, the Russian colonizers no longer entertained the hope to get the new serf slaves, and openly declared intent to destroy Caucasians. Caucasian war began, not knowing precedent in world history for it's length and cruality. Stronghold of freedom and the core of resistance to Russian hordes became Checheniya. War continued from century to century, and for generations of Chechens it was the only way of life, which created an entire culture, and even the worldview of the Chechen people. Clothing, household, national cuisine, architecture, music, literature and folklore - all facets of life Chechens experienced the indelible impact of this endless war.

History teaches us that it is a struggle for freedom and national dignity generates the most brilliant, brave heroes, and the history of the Chechen people was a brilliant confirmation of this pattern.

 How many fearless, proud heroes who gave their lives in the fight against hostile invaders are grown up Fatherland!  And how glorious Chechen daughters have given and continue to give their lives for the freedom of their homeland in this fierce battle! How much pain and suffering, anxiety and despair made ​​in his heart and on his shoulders Chechen Nana! And how much courage, patience, faith and iman showed our elders! Today - we are, and tomorrow - our grateful descendants, will be remembered for their courage and heroism, compose legends about them and pray to the Almighty Creator accept their valiant holy war!

The last 23 years of hard struggle did not break the spirit of our people, did not shake our firm belief that the liberation of our homeland, our independent state - will happen in the near future, InshaAllah1!


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