Genocide against non-russians in Europe. 23,000 poles killed at Warsaw by Russian invaders

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Massacre of Praga was an event during the Kościuszko Uprising in Poland in 1794. On November 4th the Russian forces under General Alexander Suvorov assaulted Praga, the easternmost borough of Warsaw and after four hours of heavy hand to hand fighting broke through Polish defences. Praga was subsequently looted and burnt by Russian soldiers who also killed approximately 20 000 - 23 000 of its inhabitants including women and infants. Even animals were not spared. The following day Warsaw surrendered.

In 1772, Count Nikita Panin and Prince Aleksandrs Golitsyn, knights of Empress Catherine II of Russia, secretly agreed on the following in negotiations with the plenipotentiary envoy of the King of Prussia in St. Petersburg, Count Victor Friedrich Solms:

  • Russia and Prussia mutually agreed to help each other take advantage of the circumstances to obtain for themselves those Polish territories "to which they have an ancient right". As a result of the agreement, Russia will get the remaining part of Polish Livonia, as well as the part of the Polotsk and Vitebsk Voivodeships on the right bank of the Daugava, the entire Mstislav Voivodeship and a small part of the Minsk Voivodeship on the Dnieper River. Prussia, on the other hand, will get all of Pomerania, excluding the territory of the city of Danzig, as well as the part of Greater Poland on the banks of the river Notetz. Also, Prussia will get all the remaining part of Polish Prussia (Marienburg and Kulm Voivodeships).
  • In June, both sides will simultaneously order their troops to enter Poland and occupy the areas provided for in the secret convention, without revealing anything about their intentions until then. As soon as this is done, Austria will be notified and offered to join this partition plan. If, contrary to expectations, Austria does not join the plan, it will be implemented anyway.
  • Both parties solemnly promise to guarantee the aforesaid newly acquired possessions in the same manner as other possessions.
  • Russia and Prussia undertake to give their representatives in Warsaw precise instructions as to the final organization of the Polish Republic.
  • This convention will be ratified within six weeks, or sooner if it proves possible.
  • The secret convention also included a top secret section on possible actions if Austria did not agree to the partition plan for Poland.

As a result of the convention, Poland, Lithuania, the Duchy of Zemgale-Kurzeme, Inflantia (Latgale) were gradually occupied.

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