1 |  | Raul Castro to step down as head of the Communist Party of Cuba today, marking the end of more than a half century of Castro rule. | 16.04.2021 | en, lv, ru |
2 |  | Latvijas Komunistiskās partijas CK nosodīja publikācijas presē, kurās pieprasīts, lai apkalpojošajā sfērā strādājošie zinātu latviešu valodu | 08.01.1987 | lv |
3 |  | The 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union | 17.10.1961 | en, lv, ru, ua |
4 |  | Verdzība strādnieku komunistiskajā paradīzē: pirmo reizi kolhoznieki var saņemt algu naudā. | 01.07.1960 | lv, ru |
5 |  | Cuban Revolution | 26.07.1953 | en, lt, lv, ru |
6 |  | Komunistiskās partijas veiktās genocīda akcijas. "Ebreju ārstu lieta" | 17.01.1953 | lv |
7 |  | Communist crimes: the "Doctors' plot" affair | 13.01.1953 | en, lv, ru |
8 |  | Soviet genocides. September Operation. 3,087 Lithuanians deported to Irkutsk oblast | 20.09.1951 | en, lv |
9 |  | Acts of genocide: 94779 Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians, labeled as enemies of the people, were deported | 25.03.1949 | de, ee, en, lv, pl, ru |
10 |  | USSR communist crimes against civilians. Operation "West"("Zahid"). More than 76,000 West-Ukraine nationals deported | 21.10.1947 | en, lv, ru, ua |
11 |  | Operation Vistula. 141,000 Ukrainians deported | 28.04.1947 | en, lv, ru |
12 |  | Nemmersdorfas slaktiņš. PSRS Sarkanā armija izvaro un noslepkavo ap 70 civiliedzīvotājus | 21.10.1944 | lv |
13 |  | PSRS genocīds pret nekrievu tautām. Pavēle N 0078-22 par visu ukraiņu izsūtīšanu no Ukrainas | 22.06.1944 | lv |
14 |  | Communist acts of genocide: Deportation of Crimean Tatars. 228,543 deported | 18.05.1944 | en, lv, pl, ru |
15 |  | The decision of deportation of Crimean Tatars | 11.05.1944 | en, lv, pl, ru |
16 |  | Medvedev Forest massacre | 11.09.1941 | en, lv, ru, ua |
17 |  | Start of Katyn massacre | 03.04.1940 | en, lv, pl, ru |
18 |  | Katyn massacre. Russian communists authorize order No 394/5 allowing NKVD to kill 22,000 Polish army officers | 05.03.1940 | de, en, lv, pl, ru |
19 |  | Deportation of Poles from Soviet occupied Polish territories | 10.02.1940 | en, lv, pl |
20 |  | The execution of 107 Polish civilians by the Nazi German occupiers of Wawer near Warsaw, Poland | 27.10.1939 | en, lv |