5 stabbed at Manchester’s Arndale Centre, UK

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Counter-terror police are investigating after five victims were injured by a man reportedly 'lunging at multiple people with a knife' in a Manchester shopping centre. 

Police officers tasered a suspect outside the Arndale Centre in the centre of the city this morning and armed police flooded the area after five people were stabbed.

A shop worker said: 'A man was running around with a knife lunging at multiple people, one of which came into my store visibly shaken with a small graze. Soon after, security staff told all retail staff to close their doors and move the public to the back of the stores.'



In 1996, the Arndale Centre was damaged in a major bomb attack by the IRA in which a 1,500-kilograms device loaded on a lorry was detonated on Corporation Street.

More than 200 people were injured in the explosion, although there were no fatalities

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