09 октября

Записи событий на других языках

2023 Alvis Hermanis: Aicinājums boikotēt progresīvos

Krievijas iebrukuma Ukrainā - 228.diena2022 Krievijas iebrukuma Ukrainā - 228.diena

Apšaude Hallē, Vācijā2019 Apšaude Hallē, Vācijā

Two officers trying to resolve a family dispute were killed, ne wounded in Palm Springs, California, USA2016 Two officers trying to resolve a family dispute were killed, ne wounded in Palm Springs, California, USA

Six soldiers dead and seven injured in Turkey car bomb attack near Durak2016 Six soldiers dead and seven injured in Turkey car bomb attack near Durak

2015 6 Palestinians killed, at least 60 wounded by IDF fire into Gaza near border

2015 One dead, 3 wounded in Shooting at Northern Arizona University

Medijos parādās ziņa par gatavotu atentātu pret Ziedoni Čeveru2001 Medijos parādās ziņa par gatavotu atentātu pret Ziedoni Čeveru

The Andrew Lloyd Webber musical 'The Phantom of the Opera' opened at Her Majesty's Theatre in London1986 The Andrew Lloyd Webber musical 'The Phantom of the Opera' opened at Her Majesty's Theatre in London

Czesław Miłosz został ogłoszony laureatem literackiej Nagrody Nobla1980 Czesław Miłosz został ogłoszony laureatem literackiej Nagrody Nobla

Incident of Szczecin military parade1962 Incident of Szczecin military parade

1962 34 osoby zginęły, a 67 zostało rannych w wyniku zderzenia dwóch pociągów pośpiesznych pod Piotrkowem Trybunalskim

Heinrich Himmler wydał rozkaz całkowitego zburzenia Warszawy1944 Heinrich Himmler wydał rozkaz całkowitego zburzenia Warszawy

St. Paul's Cathedral in London was bombed during a Luftwaffe air raid, but the dome was unharmed1940 St. Paul's Cathedral in London was bombed during a Luftwaffe air raid, but the dome was unharmed

1939 W Dobrczu pod Bydgoszczą Niemcy rozstrzelali ok. 800 osób

Tiek atklāts jaunuzcelts betona dzelzceļa tilts pār Salacu Mazsalacā1937 Tiek atklāts jaunuzcelts betona dzelzceļa tilts pār Salacu Mazsalacā

King Alexander I of Yugoslavia and Louis Barthou, French Foreign Minister were assassinated during a motorcade in Marseille1934 King Alexander I of Yugoslavia and Louis Barthou, French Foreign Minister were assassinated during a motorcade in Marseille

Polija ieņem Viļņas apgabalu 1920 Polija ieņem Viļņas apgabalu

1863 Rīgas pilsēta ievieš zirgu nodokli

 Isaac Singer patented the sewing machine motor1855 Isaac Singer patented the sewing machine motor

The first 'Luddite' riots against industrial machinry broke out in a lace factory in Loughborough1779 The first 'Luddite' riots against industrial machinry broke out in a lace factory in Loughborough

Liepāju un Grobiņu ieņem Šēnheina vadītais Branderburgas pulks, atbrīvojot no zviedru iebrucējiem1659 Liepāju un Grobiņu ieņem Šēnheina vadītais Branderburgas pulks, atbrīvojot no zviedru iebrucējiem


Anna-Ņina  Raudupe1919 Anna-Ņina Raudupe (70 лет)

Джон Леннон1940 Джон Леннон (40 лет)

Франс  Галль1947 Франс Галль (70 лет)

Marija Lāce1905 Marija Lāce (53 лет)

Бoриc  Heмцов1959 Бoриc Heмцов (55 лет)


Vitālijs Bīnenštams1928 Vitālijs Bīnenštams (68 лет)

Gyula Neukomm1957 Gyula Neukomm (65 лет)

Анджей Вайда2016 Анджей Вайда (90 лет)

Kārlis Šnēbergs1943 Kārlis Šnēbergs (50 лет)

Бруно Оя2002 Бруно Оя (69 лет)