1 |  | Stambulas, Turcija, naktsklubā izcēlies ugunsgrēks. Vismaz 29 cilvēki gājuši bojā | 02.04.2024 | lv |
2 |
| Fire at Kaohsiung, Taiwan appartments' tower kills at least 46 | 14.10.2021 | en, lv |
3 |  | 4 people were killed and 7 people injured in motel fire, Las Vegas, USA | 21.12.2019 | en |
4 |  | Ugunsgrēkā, kas izcēlies kādas Odesas, Ukraina koledžas kopmītnēs vismaz 12 cilvēki gājuši bojā | 04.12.2019 | lv |
5 |  | The Coast Guard says 33 people are missing after a fire broke out aboard a dive boat off the coast of Southern California | 02.09.2019 | en, lv |
6 |  | 5 teenage (all 15) girls have been killed in fire in an “escape room” in northern Poland. | 04.01.2019 | en, lv |
7 |  | Kazahstānā autobusā sadeguši 52 cilvēki | 18.01.2018 | lv, ru |
8 |  | Ugunsgrēks Rostovas-pie-Donas viesnīcā. Vismaz 2 bojāgājušie | 21.09.2017 | lv |
9 |  | Mežu ugunsgrēks Portugālē - 62 upuri | 18.06.2017 | lv, ru |
10 |  | Grenfell Tower fire | 14.06.2017 | en, lv, ru |
11 |  | 64 osoby zginęły, a 147 odniosło obrażenia w pożarze klubu nocnego w Bukareszcie | 30.10.2015 | lv, pl |
12 |  | Lielais Alūksnes ugunsgrēks | 05.07.1940 | lv |
13 |  | Prezydent Thomas Woodrow Wilson podpisał ustawę powołującą System Rezerwy Federalnej Stanów Zjednoczonych | 23.12.1913 | en, lv, pl, ru |
14 |  | 38 Native Americans were killed in the largest mass-hanging in US history, in Mankato, Minnesota | 26.12.1862 | en, lv |
15 |  | British forces captured Washington DC and set the White House on fire | 24.08.1814 | en, lv |
16 |  | VI koalicja antyfrancuska: zwycięstwo wojsk francuskich nad austriacko-rosyjsko-pruskimi w bitwie pod Dreznem | 27.08.1813 | en, lv, pl |