1 | | Bomb blast in main Coptic cathedral in Cairo, Egypt kills 25 | 11.12.2016 | en, lv |
2 | | The decimalisation of British coinage was completed on what was called "Decimal Day". | 15.02.1971 | en, lv |
3 | | Delegalizacja komunistycznej partii USA z powodu działalności wywrotowej | 24.08.1954 | en, lv, pl, ru |
4 | | The US Post Office Department ruled that children could no longer be sent by parcel post | 13.06.1920 | en, lv |
5 | | The USA paid Denmark $25 million for the Virgin Islands | 17.01.1917 | en, lv |
6 | | Prezydent Thomas Woodrow Wilson podpisał ustawę powołującą System Rezerwy Federalnej Stanów Zjednoczonych | 23.12.1913 | en, lv, pl, ru |
7 | | Beidz pastāvēt Havaju salu karaliste | 17.01.1883 | lv |
8 | | American Civil War: Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston surrenders his army to General William Tecumseh Sherman | 26.04.1865 | en, lv |
9 | | 38 Native Americans were killed in the largest mass-hanging in US history, in Mankato, Minnesota | 26.12.1862 | en, lv |
10 | | American Indian Wars: Second Seminole War ends, with the Seminoles forced from Florida to Oklahoma | 14.08.1842 | en, lv |
11 | | British forces captured Washington DC and set the White House on fire | 24.08.1814 | en, lv |
12 | | Inauguracja prezydentury Georga Washingtona | 30.04.1789 | lv, pl, ru |
13 | | ASV neatkarības kara laikā, britu armijas ieņemtajā Ņujorkā sākās ugunsgrēks. Nodeg no 400 līdz 1000 namiem | 21.09.1776 | lv |
14 | | Timeline of Brooklyn | 18.10.1667 | en, lv, ru |