Soviet - Nazi Alliance. September 1939. Genocides & War Crimes
Other Nazi-Soviet War Crimes, September 1939
- During the night from 4 to 5 September 1939 604. lei. Straßen-Bau-Btl. murdered 84 Polish POWs as revenge for the Polish attack on the battalion which took place on 04.09.1939 near Serock (in that combat Btl. lost 6 soldiers).
- 04.09.1939. In Opatowiec, poviat Pinczow, soldiers of 2. Leichte-Division executed 45 POWs
- 08.09.1939 public execution of 11 Polish POWs took place in Mszczonow (by soldiers of 4. Pz.Div.).
- 10.09.1939 in Piaseczno 15 Polish POWs were executed.
- 11.09.1939 in Zambrow 100 (German sources) or 200 (Polish sources) Polish POWs were murdered.
- 12.09.1939 (Polish POWs in Szczucin were massacred with use of hand grenades and machine guns 40 of them died in the process as well as 30 civilian refugees).
- 17.09.1939 in Terespol around 100 POWs were killed (units of Heinz Guderian are to be blamed).
- 18.09.1939 in Sladow soldiers of Schtz.Rgt.12 (4. Pz.Div.) murdered 150 POWs and 150 civilians.
- 20.09.1939 as revenge for the death of one killed in combat German, 40 Polish POWs were executed.
- 20.09.1939 in Majdan Wielki near Tomaszow German soldiers tortured and then massacred 42 Polish POWs from 20. Inf.Rgt. (as revenge for German losses on 19.09.1939, after the capitulation of Army "Cracow").
- 23.09.1939. Around 100 POWs were murdered in Trzebinia
- In late September in the village of Urycz ca. 100 Polish POWs were imprisoned and then burnt alive in a burn. 25 Jews were forced to bury them and after that they were murdered as well. This happened in revenge for the fact that one Polish Lt. (POW) during investigation pulled out a pistol from the holster of Hauptwachtmeister (and Kompaniechef) Paul Golla who was investigating him and killed him, commiting suicide after that.
- 28.09.1939 (400 POWs + 100 civilians were murdered in Zakroczym most probably by SS "Deutschland"). Murdered soldiers were from the crew of Fort I of Fortress Modlin - this was in revenge for their fierce resistance.
- In the Dabrowa forest near Ciepielow soldiers of German 29. Mot.Div. murdered ca. 250 Polish POWs. The execution was ordered by Oberst Walter Wessel as revenge for casualties suffered by German units in the battle of Samsonow few days earlier and as revenge for the death of his "favourite officer" (Hauptmann Mark Wilhelm von Lewinski, commander of 10. Kp./I. R. mot. 15, 29. mot. Div.) and around 20 soldiers from Lewinski's company.
- After the battle of Grodno (20 - 22 IX 1939), ca. 300 captured defenders (both regular soldiers and volunteers, such as scouts or members of local Self Defence) were murdered by Soviet forces.
- Around 20 Polish "fascist bandits" were murdered near the Psia Gorka (Dog's Hill) - all of them were Polish volunteers and scouts at the age of between 10 and 18 years. Soviet forces were searching in all houses for hiding participants of the defence - all men and boys who possesed any weapons (even penknifes) were being shot.
- One Soviet younger lieutenant from the communication service of the Soviet 101st Rifle Regiment (his surname was Dubovik) personally conducted investigations of captured Polish soldiers and shot 29 of them - "masked officers", as he explained.
- 22.09.1939 Polish commander of the defence of Grodno (general Jozef Olszyna-Wilczynski) together with his wife (Alfreda Olszyna-Wilczynska), adiutant - Cpt. Mieczyslaw Strzemeski - his driver and one more man started their way towards the Lithuanian border. After driving several kilometres they were halted by Russian soldiers with some tanks. Passengers of the car were robbed and divided for two groups. General's wife was inprisoned in a burn and general himself, as well as Captain Strzemeski, were taken aside and shot. According to Alfreda Olszyna-Wilczynski (who later saw the dead body of her husband), corpses of both murdered men were massacred. General's hat was being shown by Russians as a "war trophy".
- On 24.09.1939 Soviet soldiers commited a war crime on Polish POWs in Mietkie near Mircze. They killed 1 Polish nurse and 14 soldiers.
- 25.09.1939 near Grabowiec Soviet soldiers captured a Polish field hospital, in which there were at least several dozens of wounded and several doctors. After capturing the hospital Russians murdered 3 doctors and 2 wounded NCOs. Further 37 wounded Polish soldiers were taken by the Soviets to the nearby Grabowiec Gora and killed with use of bayonets.
- 25.09.1939 14 captured Polish NCOs were murdered by Soviet troops in Niemirowek near Tarnawatka.
- 25.09.1939 Soviet forces seized the city of Zamosc and other Soviet units entered Tomaszow Lubelski advancing from the direction of Belzec. Before capturing Tomaszow, they were involved in a several hours long battle against the Polish 2nd Kaniowscy Sapper Regiment near Tyszowce. Soviet forces suffered heavy losses in combats near Tyszowce and in revenge murdered several dozens Polish prisoners of war after the battle - including major J. Eborowicz who was executed after being sentenced to death (for putting up resistance?) in a parody of a court trail.
Jochen Boehler, "Auftakt zum Vernichtungskrieg: Die Wehrmacht in Polen 1939".
Szymon Datner, "Zbrodnie Wehrmachtu na jeńcach wojennych w II wojnie światowej".
"With Greatest Brutality... - Wehrmacht crimes in Poland, September - October 1939", Warsaw, 2004
Vladimir Beshanov, "Krasnyj Blickrig" (Vladimir Beshanov, "The Red Blitzkrieg")
Czesław Grzelak, Henryk Stanczyk, "Kampania Polska 1939"
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1 | ![]() | Józef Olszyna-Wilczyński |
2 | Mečislavs Stržemskis |
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1 | ![]() | Katyn war cemetery |
2 | ![]() | Katyn forest. Place of Katyń massacre |