Operation Dynamo – In northern France, Allied forces begin a massive evacuation from Dunkirk, France.

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The Dunkirk evacuation, code-named Operation Dynamo, also known as the Miracle of Dunkirk, was the evacuation of Allied soldiers from the beaches and harbour of Dunkirk, France, between 27 May and 4 June 1940. The operation was decided upon when large numbers of British, French, and Belgian troops were cut off and surrounded by the German army during the Battle of France in the Second World War. In a speech to the House of Commons, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill called the events in France "a colossal military disaster", saying that "the whole root and core and brain of the British Army" had been stranded at Dunkirk and seemed about to perish or be captured.

In his We shall fight on the beachesspeech on 4 June, he hailed their rescue as a "miracle of deliverance".

About 330,000 rescued

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Sources: wikipedia.org

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