Janis Freimanis

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Jānis Freimanis, академик Янис Фрейманис
Academician, Chemist, Hero of nation, Laureate of state prize, Order of the Three Stars (Latvia), PhD , Politician, Publicist, Scientist
Jelgava, Bērzu kapi (Reķa kapi)


(06.04.1935 - 25.06.2006)


Head of Laboratory  Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis Aizkraukles iela 21 Riga, LV 1006 Latvia

Phone: +371 7551822, +371 7372576, +371 6554412 Fax: +371 7 550338 E-mail: [email protected][email protected],

Born: April 6, 1935, Riga, Latvia



  • Chemistry of Enamines, CT-Complexes, Quinone Imines, Organic Surfactants
  • Chemistry of Cyclopentenones and Prostaglandins
  • Chemistry of Petrochemicals (current)
  • Petroleum Studies and Organoclays  (current)

Main interests are, and will be connected with development of oil research in Latvia and with relevant chemical investigations.

Languages: English, German, Russian, Latvian, (some French)


  • University of Latvia (Faculty of Chemistry), cum laude, 1958
  • Dr.chem. (Candidate of Sciences in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western Countries), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1962
  • Dr.habil.chem. (Doctor of Sciences in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1972; reaffirmed 1991


  • Junior Researcher, Institute of Organic Synthesis, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1958-1963
  • Senior Researcher, Institute of Organic Synthesis, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1963-1973
  • Head of Research Team, Institute of Organic Synthesis, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1973-1977
  • Head, Laboratory of Prostaglandin Chemistry, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, 1977-1999
  • Professor, 1981-
  • Head of Group of Subsoil studies, 1999 -


Honours and Awards:

  • Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1990
  • Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
  • Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium Award, 1971,1975,1980, 1987
  • The Latvian Academy of Sciences G.Vanags Prize (in Chemistry), 1975
  • USSR D.Mendeleyev Chemical Society Award, 1961,1974
  • Latvian SSR State Prize, 1987
  • The Sign in Memory of Barricades, 1996
  • The Three Star Order (Republic of Latvia), 1999

Biographical Articles:

  • Enciclopaedia of Soviet Latvia, 1983, vol. 3, Riga: GER,(in Latvian).
  • Who is Who in Latvia (Biographical Dictionary), 1996, Riga: V.Belokon (in Latvian, English).
  • International Book of Honor, 4th Ed., 1996, ABI, Inc., 5th Ed., 1998
  • Five Thousand Personalities of the World, 5th Ed., 1996, ABI, Inc., 6th ED., 1998
  • Dictionary of International Biography, 25th Ed. 1997, 26th Ed.1998,   IBC, Cambridge (England).
  • Marquis WHO-is-WHO in Science and Engineering, 4th Ed. 1998, Ed.: Marquis Who's Who, NY, USA
  • 2000 Outstanding People of the 20th Century, Ed. IBC, Cambridge, 1st Ed., 1998.


Professional Activities and Memberships:

  • Supervisor, 13 Dr.chem. Degree Thesis, 1969-1993
  • Participation in Environmental Protection Activities in Latvia, 1987-1989
  • Member, Latvian Council of Science, 1990-1993
  • Member, UNESCO Latvian National Committee, 1992-1995
  • Member of  Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for Chemistry, 1992-1996
  • Representative of Latvian Academy of Sciences in several International Amaldi Conferences of the Academies, 1994-1997
  • Member, Experts Group for the preparation of AMOCO/OPAB-Latvia Oil Licence Agreement, 1994-1996 
  • Member, Experts Group for the preparation of Concept on Development of Oil Production and Industry in Latvia, 1996-1997
  • Member, American Chemical Society, 1997- 2001
  • Member, Experts Group for the preparation of Petroleum pre-investigation, exploration and production licensing in Latvia, 1997 - 2000
  • Scientific Editor and Consultant of numerous scientific and other books, 1968-1999

Lectures and Courses:


  • Visiting Invited Lecturer or Professor - Moscow Institute of Poligraphy (Riga branch), Wroclaw Technical University (Poland), Riga Technical University , 1960-1986
  • Courses or lectures in Physical Organic/Organic Chemistry, Institute of Organic Synthesis, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1960-1988

Other Activities

  • Organizing of the Latvian Popular Front (Movement for the Liberation of Latvia),and participation in its Board,   1988-1991
  • Member, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia, 1990-1993
  • Member of Board, Christian People Party/Christian Democratic Union, 1995-1998
  • Member of People's Party, 1998 -
  • Member of Riga City Council, 2001-
  • Publicism activities in press, 1981 -

Recent/Representative Publications

More than 600 scientific papers in total. ( incl. 6 monographs and 38 Author's certificates/patents)

  • J.Freimanis. Chemistry of Enaminoketones, Enaminoimines, Enaminothiones, 1974, Riga: Zinatne, 274 pp. (in Russian).
  • J.Freimanis. Progress and Some Prospests in charge-Transfer-Complex Chemistry, 1978, Wroclaw Technical University, 79 pp. (in English).
  • J.Freimanis. Organic Compounds with Intramolecular Charge Transfer, 1985, Riga:Zinatne, 1985, 192 pp. (in Russian).
  • J.Freimanis. Studies in Prostanoid Chemistry, 1992, Riga:Latvian Inst. of Organic Synthesis, 72 pp. (in Latvian).
  • J.Freimanis, E.Markava, et al. (Methylacylamino)azobenzene derivatives for photoresponsive monomolecular layers. - Langmuir, 1994, Nr 9, pp. 3311-3314.
  • G.Sokolov, J.Freimanis, et al. Total synthesis and properties of prostaglandins. 38. The synthesis of 11-deoxyprostaglandin E1 derivatives with amino acids and amines. -Bioorg. Khimiya, 1995, vol. 21, N 5, pp. 386-390 (in Russian).
  • K. Dikovskaya, ... J.Freimanis, et al. Total Synthesis and Properties of Prostaglandins. 40. The synthesis of beta-oxyaminovinylderivatives of biciclyc gamma-lactones. - Khim. Geterotsikl. Soed., 1995, N 5, pp. 613-615 (in Russian).
  • E. Loza, ....J.Freimanis. Enantiomeric enrichment of partially resolved 4-hydroxy-2-carboxymethylcyclopentenone derivatives by achiral phase chromatography. - J.Chromatogr. (A), 1995, vol. 708, pp. 231-243.
  • J.Freimanis, I.Veinberga. The substrate enantioselectivity of enzymatic reactions: cyclopentene-1-one-4-ol hydrolysis. alcoholysis, acylation. - Japan-Northern Baltic Symposium on Synthetic Chemistry, June 25-26, 1996, Helsinki, Finland: Abstracts, p. SOC6. K.Wahala, Helsinki, 1996.
  • J.Freimanis. Petroleum market and oil processing capabilities in Baltic Area. - Dienas Bizness (Daily Business, research article), September 27, 1996 (in Latvian).
  • J.Freimanis. World development trends of oil processing and petrochemistry. - Dienas Bizness (Daily Business, research article), September 2, 1996 (in Latvian).
  • J.Freimanis. relationship trend between science and the state in Latvia after 1991. - Genoa Forum of UNESCO on Science and Society: Proceed. of the 1st Reflection Meeting: Internat. Symposium on Science and Power, Genoa, Italy, December 1-3, 1994// Technical Report N 25, 1996. pp. 95-97.
  • J.Freimanis. Weaponry residues as a heritage of World War II and the Soviet occupation in Latvian land and sea economic zone territories. In: IX Amaldi Conference "Security Questions at the End of the 20th Century", Geneva, November 21-23, 1996 , Switzerland. Report and Documentation, pp. 246-254. Published by Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy, 1997.
  • D.Lola, Ya.Freimanis, et al. Protolitic cleavage of derivatives of 2,5-dimethoxy-2,5-dihydrofuran. - Chem.Heterocycl.Comp., 1997, vol. 33, N 2, pp. 164-170.
  • K.I.dikovskaya, T.V.Mazur, I.V.Turovsky, J.F.Freimanis, M.P.Gavars. Total synthesis and properties  of prostaglandins. 41. The synthesis of protaglandins havind unusual structure. a-Alkoxymethylene derivatives of bicyclic y-lactones. - J.Organ.Chem. (in Russian), 1997, vol.33, Nr.9, pp.1345-1349
  • E.Loza, D.Lola, J.Freimanis. Rearrangement of 3-hydroxy-4-cyclopentenone derivatives to the corresponding 4-hydroxy-2-cyclopentenones in the presence of choral hydrate-triethylamine. - Latvian Journal of Chemistry, 1998, Nr.1, pp.76-79.
  • J.Freimanis. Organoclays and Some of Their Applications: a Milestone Review, 2000, Riga: Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, 96 pp. 
  • J.Freimanis. Vermiculite Organoclays. - Latvian Journal of Chemistry, 2001,  N 3, pp. 284-300.
  • J.Freimanis. Latvijas Naftas Hronika (Annals of Latvian Oil), 2002, Riga: Latvijas Attistibas Agentura, 32 pp.(in Latvian).
  • J.Freimanis, V.Stonkus. Reprocessing of used oils in Latvia. - Latvian Journal of Chemistry, 2002,  N 3, pp.303-316.(in Latvian).
  • J.Freimanis, A.Actins, A.Stinkule, R.Svinka, V.Svinka. Organoclays from some Latvian clays. - Latvian Journal of Chemistry, 2003,  N 1, pp.60-77 (in Latvian).
  • J.Freimanis, L.Hohlova, A.Actins, R.Svinka. Organoclays from a Latvian smectite clay. - Latvian Journal of Chemistry, 2003,  N 2, pp.191-200.
  • A.Ruplis, J.Freimanis, A.Actins, V.Lakevics. Colloid-chemical properties of LAtvian clays. III. Sorption of hexane or carbon tetrachloride vapour on some organoclays. - Latvian Journal of Chemistry, 2004,  N 4,351-363.

Other Representative Publications:

  • J.Freimanis. Visu veju virpuli [Memuari]( All Winds' Whirlpools/ view of a scientist - soldier of the Latvian Popular Front/Memoirs), 2002, Riga: Nacionalais Apgads, 368 pp. (in Latvian).


Research Projects:

J.Freimanis, as a principal researcher or a head of laboratory conducted consolidated parts in 10 research projects within USSR or Latvian SSR Academy of Sciences.

  • J.Freimanis (Head of Project) . Prostanoids with Unconventional Molecular Skeleton. Latvian Council of Science (1991-1993).
  • J.Freimanis (Co-Head of Project). The Elaboration of Synthetic Methods of New Surfactants for the Design of Polar Multilayers. Latvian Council of Science (1991-1993).
  • J.Freimanis (Head of Project). Formation Stereochemistry of C-C (C-X) Bonds in Synthesis of Unusual Prostaglandin Analogues. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996).
  • J.Freimanis (Head of Project). A Detailed Evaluation and Practical Usage Analysis of Latvian Crude Oil Samples. Latvian Ministry of Education and Science (1994-1995).
  • J.Freimanis (Head of downstream part of Project). Evaluation of Oil Resources and Prospects of Oil Industry in the Republic of Latvia. Latvian Ministry of Economy (1996-1997).
  • J.Freimanis (Head of Study in Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis). Research Programme "Latvian Land Resources and their Utilisation" (Organoclays from Latvian Clays). Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000, 2001 -).



Born 1935, married 1959. Wife Arija Freimane, son Janis (1960), daughter Ligita(1965). As a scientist happily survived the stormy "awakening" (liberation) period in Latvia and the subsequent great science changes since 1991, and maintained his sense of humour even when the faith in God seemed to be the single way of active being.

At home enjoys book reading, playing piano and collection of post cards, of course, being in love with his family - a source of confidence to all the best.

No places



        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription

        23.11.1815 | Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas dzimšanas diena

        Tiek dibināta "Kurzemes Literatūras un mākslas biedrība"

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        01.01.1957 | Tiek dibināts LPSR ZA Organiskās sintēzes institūts

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        07.10.1988 | Notiek tautas manifestācija «Par tiesisku valsti Latvijā" Mežaparkā

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        08.10.1988 | Izveidota Latvijas Tautas Fronte

        Latvijas Tautas fronte bija sabiedriski politiska kustība un organizācija Latvijas PSR un Latvijā Atmodas laikā no 1988. gada. Pēc 5. Saeimas ievēlēšanas 1993. gadā tā darbojās kā mazietekmīga organizācija. Likvidējās 1999. gadā.

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        06.02.1989 | LTF lietošanā tiek piešķirta ēka Vecrīgā

        1989.gada 6.februārī ar Latvijas PSR Ministru Padomes lēmumu LTF (Latvijas Tautas Fronte) lietošanā tiek piešķirta ēka Vecpilsētas ielā 13/15. Vēl viens piemērs, kā izpildvara netieši sāka dot atbalstu sabiedrības pilsoniskai aktivitātei ceļā uz neatkarības atjaunošanu.

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        02.06.1989 | Laikrakstā "Padomju Jaunatne" tiek publicēts LTF aicinājums

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        23.08.1989 | The Baltic Way

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        04.05.1990 | Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Latvia

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        13.01.1991 | Notiek LTF Domes izsludinātā Vislatvijas tautas manifestācija Daugavmalā

        Latvijas Tautas Frontes Dome izsludina Vislatvijas tautas manifestāciju, lai 13. janvārī atbalstītu likumīgi (gan vēl pēc okupācijas laika likumiem) ievēlēto valdību, kā arī pieņēma lēmumu apsargāt stratēģiski svarīgākos objektus.

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        20.01.1991 | Uzbrukums Latvijas Iekšlietu ministrijai

        1991.gada 20.janvārī notiek demonstrācijas Maskavā Baltijas aizstāvībai, tajās piedalās ap 100 000 cilvēku. Tiek izvirzīta prasība pēc M. Gorbačova, D. Jazova, B. Pugo, VDK priekšsēdētāja V. Krjučkova demisijas sakarā ar Viļņas upuriem. Šajā dienā, kad nolemts pamazām Barikādes Rīgā noņemt, notiek uzbrukums Latvijas Iekšlietu ministrijai. Šī ir diena, kurā krita Podnieka komanda, kā arī citi Neatkarības aizstāvji. Mūžīga piemiņa viņiem.

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        07.07.1993 | Latvijas Republikas 5. prezidents. Guntis Ulmanis ievēlēts par LR Prezidentu

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