24 апреля

Записи событий на других языках

2022 Six soldiers killed, 20 injured in Mali 'terror' attacks

2022 At least 10 dead, 16 still missing after tourist boat sank in Japan

Krievijas iebrukums Ukrainā - 60. diena2022 Krievijas iebrukums Ukrainā - 60. diena

2 persons including a priest have been stabbed in Saint-Pierre-d'Arène church in Nice, France2022 2 persons including a priest have been stabbed in Saint-Pierre-d'Arène church in Nice, France

Francijā par prezidentu ar 58% balsīm atkārtoti ievēlēts pretrunīgi vērtētais E. Makrons. Valstī vairākās vietās izraisījušies nemieri ar cilvēku upuriem2022 Francijā par prezidentu ar 58% balsīm atkārtoti ievēlēts pretrunīgi vērtētais E. Makrons. Valstī vairākās vietās izraisījušies nemieri ar cilvēku upuriem

COVID19. A fire broke out in a Baghdad hospital after oxygen cylinders exploded. There were reports of 82 people dead.2021 COVID19. A fire broke out in a Baghdad hospital after oxygen cylinders exploded. There were reports of 82 people dead.

2019 15 people killed in explosion in Jisr al-Shughour, on the western countryside of Syria's Idlib

 6 gunmen have opened fire in a shisha cafe in the city of Tourcoing, France2019 6 gunmen have opened fire in a shisha cafe in the city of Tourcoing, France

2018 6 dead, 15 wounded in three suicide attacks in Quetta, Pakistan

2017 12 police killed in central India by Maoist rebels

2016 At least six suicide bombers exploded themselves in a home in Raydhable village between Baidoa and Burhakaba towns, Somalia

2016 Fighting between Peshmerga and Shia militia around TuzKhurmatu yesterday killed at least 27

2014 Explosion at Williams gas plant in Opal, Wyoming

2005 German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was inaugurated as the 265th Pope of the Catholic Church as Pope Benedict XVI

Kosmosā tiek palaists Habla kosmiskais teleskops1990 Kosmosā tiek palaists Habla kosmiskais teleskops

Deine, meine, unsere (1968)1968 Deine, meine, unsere (1968)

Soviet Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov died 1967 Soviet Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov died

1953 Sir Winston Churchill was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II

LPSR IeM A. Eglīša slepens ziņojums par LPSR IeM darbību 1949.gada 25.marta deportāciju akcijas laikā 1949 LPSR IeM A. Eglīša slepens ziņojums par LPSR IeM darbību 1949.gada 25.marta deportāciju akcijas laikā

1945 W Puławach ugrupowanie organizacji Zrzeszenie Wolność i Niezawisłość pod dowództwem Mariana Bernaciaka ps. "Orlik" rozbiło Powiatowy Urząd Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego, uwalniając 107 więźniów oraz zabijając 5 ubeków i 2 milicjantów

1916 The Irish Republican Brotherhood launched the Easter Rebellion against British rule in Dublin

W Nowym Jorku oddano do użytku drapacz chmur Woolworth Building1913 W Nowym Jorku oddano do użytku drapacz chmur Woolworth Building

1905. gads. Marksistisko kaujinieku apvienots uzbrukums Slokas miestam1906 1905. gads. Marksistisko kaujinieku apvienots uzbrukums Slokas miestam

Pie RLB Zinību komisijas tiek nodibināta Valodniecības nodaļa1904 Pie RLB Zinību komisijas tiek nodibināta Valodniecības nodaļa

1800 The US Library of Congress was established

1558 Mary married François, the Dauphin of France, in Paris