Princess Xenia Georgievna of Russia

Princess Xenia  Georgievna of RussiaPrincess Xenia Georgievna of Russia
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Ксения Романова
Knyaz (Prince, Duke), Princess
Grand Ducal Burial Vault

Princess Xenia Georgievna of Russia (22 August 1903, Mikhailovskoe, Russia – 17 September 1965, Glen Cove, New York) was the daughter of Grand Duke George Mihailovich of Russia and Princess Maria Georgievna of Greece and Denmark.


William Bateman Leeds, Jr.
Herman Jud

Issue Nancy Leeds Wynkoop 

House Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov

Father Grand Duke George Mikhailovich

Mother Princess Maria of Greece and Denmark


Her older sister was Princess Nina Georgievna, born in 1901. She and her sister left Russia in 1914 to spend the war years in England with their mother. In 1919, her father, his brother, Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich, and their cousin, Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich, were executed by a Bolshevik firing squad in St. Petersburg.

Anna Anderson controversy

In the summer of 1927, Xenia involved herself in the Anna Anderson/Anastasia Tchaikovsky affair by telephoning Gleb Botkin (son of imperial physician Eugene Botkin, who had been murdered along with the former tsar and his family in 1918) with an invitation for Anna to live as a guest at Kenwood. Xenia explains her hospitality: "I had heard that Botkin was arranging to bring 'the invalid' to the United States through a newspaper organization. This bothered me because I had heard so many conflicting stories. It then occurred to me that I should take her myself and avoid all this proposed publicity. For if she were indeed an impostor it would save much unpleasantness for my family, and if she were the real Anastasia it was ghastly to think that nothing was being done for her.... This solution would be simple, so it seemed to me."

As children, Xenia and her sister Nina had played frequently with the two youngest daughters of Tsar Nicholas II, Grand Duchesses Maria Nikolaevna and Anastasia Nikolaevna, as well as the youngest child and only boy, Tsarevitch Alexei. Through her father, Xenia was Anastasia's second cousin, once removed and through her mother they were second cousins. Both sisters possessed vivid memories of Anastasia, whom they described as "frightfully temperamental" and "wild and rough". According to Xenia, Anastasia "cheated at games, kicked, scratched, pulled hair, and generally knew how to make herself obnoxious."

Princess Nina even said, "Anastasia was madly jealous of me because I was taller than she was. As the daughter of the Emperor she thought she ought to tower over everyone."

Xenia was on a cruise with her husband William in the West Indies at the time of Anna's arrival in New York. She had arranged for Anna to stay with Annie Burr Jennings, a friend of Xenia's who lived in a Park Avenue townhouse. Upon her return, Xenia sneaked unannounced into Annie Jennings's crowded salon to observe Anna. After watching Anna offer her hand to Gleb Botkin, Xenia declared that she knew she was watching an equal. She stated, "It was so matter-of-course, so unforced--in no way a theatrical gesture. With it she radiated a natural grandeur and I was impressed on the spot."

Xenia recognized Anna Anderson as the Grand Duchess Anastasia at once, asserting that Anna was herself at all times, never giving the slightest impression of playing a part. The two remained great friends for life even after Anna Anderson had to leave Xenia's home after quarreling. Prince Christopher of Greece described the stay:

She stayed with my niece, ... who showed her the greatest kindness. Then her treatment of the Grand Duchess Xenia, sister of the last Tsar, led to a quarrel with William Leeds, who turned her out of the house.

Criticisms of her behaviour

Pierre Gilliard, Swiss citizen and French tutor for the five children of Tsar Nicholas II from 1905 to 1918, pointed out that Princess Xenia had last seen her second cousin when Xenia was 10 and Anastasia was 12. Xenia responded that she did not recognize Anastasia visually, but felt she was qualified to tell the difference between a member of the Romanov family and a "Polish peasant woman." Anderson bore a strong family resemblance to Tsarina Alexandra's family and her moodiness and temper also reminded Xenia of her cousin Anastasia. It is interesting to note what Prince Dmitri, son of Grand Duchess Xenia, wrote about what Princess Xenia had stated,

Xenia's irresponsible statement should be somehow refuted ... We know she left Russia in 1914 aged 10 years old, I also know that Nina (her sister) and Xenia never saw Uncle Nicky's family very often, and when they did see them that was when they were very young.

Personal life

Xenia married twice, both times with men of unequal birth, first to William Bateman Leeds (19 September 1902 - 31 December 1971) at the age of eighteen, the son and heir of the American tin magnate. William was also the stepson of Xenia's maternal uncle Prince Christopher of Greece and Denmark. They wed in Paris on 9 October 1921. Theirs was seen as a splendid match and the couple was an influential one in New York's Long Island North Shore society, where they lived at their estate, Kenwood, in Oyster Bay. Xenia and William had a daughter on 25 February 1925, Nancy Helen Marie Leeds, who married Edward Judson Wynkoop, Jr. in December 1945.

Xenia and William Leeds divorced in 1930. Her second marriage was with Herman Jud (14 February 1911 - 22 August 1987). The wedding took place at Glen Cove, New York on 10 August 1946. The couple had no children.

A common mistake in listing this family is to identify the daughter of Nancy Helen Marie Wynkoop (née Leeds) incorrectly as being, instead, the daughter of Princess Xenia Georgievna by her second husband. This daughter, Alexandra Leeds Wynkoop, is erroneously and often listed as Alexandra Leeds Jud, born 30 March 1959. Alexandra is the granddaughter of Princess Xenia Georgievna, born when her grandmother was 56 years of age.


Princess Xenia Georgievna Romanova Leeds Jud died on 17 September 1965, aged 62, survived by her second husband and by her daughter, Nancy Leeds Wynkoop, and by granddaughter Alexandra. Nancy Helen Marie Leeds Wynkoop died in Woodstock, Vermont on 7 June 2006, aged 81, survived by her husband Edward Judson Wynkoop, Jr. and their daughter Alexandra Wynkoop.

Titles, styles and honours


  • Russian Empire House of Romanov: Dame of the Imperial Order of Saint Catherine


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        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
        1Великий Князь Георгий МихайловичВеликий Князь Георгий МихайловичFather23.08.186330.01.1919
        2Princess Maria of Greece and DenmarkPrincess Maria of Greece and DenmarkMother03.03.187614.12.1940
        3Princess Nina GeorgievnaPrincess Nina GeorgievnaSister20.06.190127.02.1974
        4Михаил Михайлович, Великий князьМихаил Михайлович, Великий князьUncle16.10.186126.04.1929
        5Nicholas  MikhailovichNicholas MikhailovichUncle14.04.185930.01.1919
        6Grand Duke Alexander MikhailovichGrand Duke Alexander MikhailovichUncle13.04.186626.02.1933
        7Великий князь Сергей МихайловичВеликий князь Сергей МихайловичUncle07.10.186918.07.1918
        8Алексей МихайловичАлексей МихайловичUncle28.12.187502.03.1895
        9Николай СтаршийНиколай СтаршийUncle27.07.183113.04.1891
        10Александр ИскандерАлександр ИскандерUncle15.11.188726.01.1957
        11Сергей АлександровичСергей АлександровичUncle11.05.185717.02.1905
        12Сергей  РомановСергей РомановUncle11.05.185717.02.1905
        13Анастасия МихайловнаАнастасия МихайловнаAunt28.07.186011.03.1922
        14Olga  NikolaevnaOlga NikolaevnaAunt11.09.182230.10.1892
        15Grand Duchess Maria  Nikolaevna of RussiaGrand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of RussiaAunt18.08.181921.02.1876
        16David MountbattenDavid MountbattenNephew12.05.191914.04.1970
        17Prince Alexander  RomanovPrince Alexander RomanovNephew04.11.192921.09.2002
        18Prince Nikita  Nikitich RomanovPrince Nikita Nikitich RomanovNephew13.05.192303.05.2007
        19Edward  VIIIEdward VIIINephew23.06.189428.05.1972
        20Prince Michael  Andreevich RomanoffPrince Michael Andreevich RomanoffNephew15.07.192022.09.2008
        Georgina KennardNiece17.10.191928.04.2011
        Tatiana Elizabeth MountbattenNiece16.12.191715.05.1988
        23Irina YusupovaIrina YusupovaNiece21.03.191530.08.1983
        24Княгиня Ксения  РомановаКнягиня Ксения РомановаNiece10.03.191922.10.2000
        25Михаил НиколаевичМихаил НиколаевичGrandfather25.10.183218.12.1909
        26George IGeorge IGrandfather24.12.184518.03.1913
        27Olga  FeodorovnaOlga FeodorovnaGrandmother20.09.183912.04.1891
        28Olga  Constantinovna of RussiaOlga Constantinovna of RussiaGrandmother03.09.185118.06.1926
        29Георгий Петрович ОльденбургскийГеоргий Петрович ОльденбургскийGreat grandfather00.00.178400.00.1812
        30Leopold BadenLeopold BadenGreat grandfather29.08.179024.04.1852
        31Михаил ПавловичМихаил ПавловичGreat grandfather08.02.179828.08.1849
        32Charles FrederickCharles FrederickGreat grandfather02.02.178308.07.1853
        33Nicholas I of RussiaNicholas I of RussiaGreat grandfather06.07.179618.02.1855
        34Konstantin NikolayevichKonstantin NikolayevichGreat grandfather21.09.182725.01.1892
        35Александра ИосифовнаАлександра ИосифовнаGreat grandmother08.07.183006.07.1911
        36Екатерина ПавловнаЕкатерина ПавловнаGreat grandmother10.05.178809.01.1819
        37Maria  PavlovnaMaria PavlovnaGreat grandmother04.02.178611.06.1859
        38Елена ПавловнаЕлена ПавловнаGreat grandmother28.12.180621.01.1873
        39Александра ФёдоровнаАлександра ФёдоровнаGreat grandmother13.07.179801.11.1860
        40Dmitri  PavlovichDmitri PavlovichCousin06.09.189105.03.1942
        41Князь Андрей АлександровичКнязь Андрей АлександровичCousin24.01.189708.05.1981
        42Helen of Greece and DenmarkHelen of Greece and DenmarkCousin02.05.189628.11.1982
        43Великая княгиня Ксения АлександровнаВеликая княгиня Ксения АлександровнаCousin06.04.187520.04.1960
        44Prince Christopher  of Greece and DenmarkPrince Christopher of Greece and DenmarkCousin10.08.188821.01.1940
        45Nadejda MountbattenNadejda MountbattenCousin28.03.189622.01.1963
        46Cecilie  Mecklenburg Schwerin, DuchessCecilie Mecklenburg Schwerin, DuchessCousin20.09.188606.05.1954
        47Grand Duke Nicholas  Nikolaevich of RussiaGrand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich of RussiaCousin18.11.185605.01.1929
        48Князь Никита АлександровичКнязь Никита АлександровичCousin16.01.190012.09.1974
        49Princess Catherine IvanovnaPrincess Catherine IvanovnaCousin25.07.191513.03.2007
        50Andrei  VladimirovichAndrei VladimirovichCousin02.05.187930.10.1956
        51Vladimir  PaleyVladimir PaleyCousin09.01.189718.07.1918
        52Alexandrine  of Mecklenburg-SchwerinAlexandrine of Mecklenburg-SchwerinCousin24.12.187912.12.1952
        53Nikolajs II RomanovsNikolajs II RomanovsCousin19.05.186817.07.1918
        54Prince Andrew of  Greece and DenmarkPrince Andrew of Greece and DenmarkCousin02.02.188203.12.1944
        55Петр  ОльденбургскийПетр ОльденбургскийCousin21.11.186811.03.1924
        56Constantine I of GreeceConstantine I of GreeceCousin02.08.186811.01.1923
        57Anastasia de TorbyAnastasia de TorbyCousin09.09.189207.12.1977
        58Gabriel RomanovGabriel RomanovCousin15.07.188728.02.1955
        59Irina Alexandrovna of RussiaIrina Alexandrovna of RussiaCousin03.07.189526.02.1970
        60Георг IIГеорг IICousin19.07.189001.04.1947
        61Кирилл ВладимировичКирилл ВладимировичCousin12.10.187612.10.1938
        62Natālija AndrosovaNatālija AndrosovaCousin23.02.191725.07.1999
        63Mikhail Aleksandrovich RomanovMikhail Aleksandrovich RomanovCousin04.12.187813.06.1918
        64Надежда  РомановаНадежда РомановаCousin15.03.189821.04.1988
        65Prince Vasili AlexandrovichPrince Vasili AlexandrovichCousin07.07.190724.06.1989
        66Boris  Wladimirowitsch RomanowBoris Wladimirowitsch RomanowCousin24.11.187709.11.1943
        67Кирилл  АндросовКирилл АндросовCousin05.12.191507.02.1992
        68Всеволод  РомановВсеволод РомановCousin20.01.191418.06.1973
        69Ростислав АлександровичРостислав АлександровичCousin24.11.190231.07.1978
        70Великий князь Пётр НиколаевичВеликий князь Пётр НиколаевичCousin10.01.186417.06.1931
        71Prince PhilipPrince PhilipCousin10.06.192109.04.2021
        72Prince Nicholas of  Greece and DenmarkPrince Nicholas of Greece and DenmarkCousin22.01.187208.02.1938
        73Georg von MerenbergGeorg von MerenbergCousin16.10.189711.01.1965
        74Grand Duchess Maria PavlovnaGrand Duchess Maria PavlovnaCousin18.04.189013.12.1958
        75Alexandra  GeorgievnaAlexandra GeorgievnaCousin30.08.187024.09.1891
        76Grand Duchess Elena VladimirovnaGrand Duchess Elena VladimirovnaCousin17.03.188213.03.1957
        77Ольга  РомановаОльга РомановаCousin13.06.188224.11.1960
        78Князь Дмитрий АлександровичКнязь Дмитрий АлександровичCousin15.08.190107.07.1980
        79Princess IrenePrincess IreneCousin13.02.190415.04.1974
        80Natalia PaleyNatalia PaleyCousin05.12.190527.12.1981

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