1 |  | Suicide bombers neutralised while attack police station in southern Russia; no victims | 11.04.2016 | en, lv |
2 |  | NATO spēki sāk bombardēt Serbiju, lai apturētu tās realizēto genocīdu Kosovā | 24.03.1999 | lv, pl, ru |
3 |  | Sumgaitas armēņu pogroms | 27.02.1988 | lv, ru |
4 |  | Soviet genocides. Whole Yagnob nation (15,000) deported | 28.03.1970 | en, lv, ru |
5 |  | Staļins tiek aizvākts no Ļeņina mauzoleja | 31.10.1961 | lv, pl, ru |
6 |  | Nikita Khrushchev sensationally denounced Josef Stalin in a speech at a Communist Party congress in Moscow | 25.02.1956 | en, lv, pl, ru |
7 |  | Communist crimes: the "Doctors' plot" affair | 13.01.1953 | en, lv, ru |
8 |  | Communist crimes. Jewish operation. JAF. Night of the Murdered Poets | 12.08.1952 | en, lv, pl, ru |
9 |  | PSRS Augstākās tiesas militārā kolēģija nolasa spriedumu studentu un skolnieku organizācijas "Savienība par Revolūcijas lietu" biedriem | 13.02.1952 | lv, ru |
10 |  | Soviet Genocides. January deportation. 2,195 Lithuanians deported to Krasnoyarsk krai | 23.01.1952 | en, lv |
11 |  | Soviet genocides. Operation "Osen". 16,150 Lithuanians deported to Krasnoyarsk | 02.10.1951 | en, lv |
12 |  | Soviet genocides. September Operation. 3,087 Lithuanians deported to Irkutsk oblast | 20.09.1951 | en, lv |
13 |  | Communist crimes: Operation "North" started in USSR. 8576 deported | 02.04.1951 | en, lv, pl, ru |
14 |  | LPSR IeM A. Eglīša slepens ziņojums par LPSR IeM darbību 1949.gada 25.marta deportāciju akcijas laikā | 24.04.1949 | lv |
15 |  | Acts of genocide: 94779 Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians, labeled as enemies of the people, were deported | 25.03.1949 | de, ee, en, lv, pl, ru |
16 |  | Soviet genocide. Operation "Vesna". 40,002 lithuanian farmers deported in 48 hours | 23.05.1948 | en, lt, lv, pl, ru |
17 |  | Order №2/ 132486 from 30.03.1948. "Order on the seizure of Nazi concentration camps equipment for further use in the Gulag system" | 30.03.1948 | en, lv, ru |
18 |  | USSR communist crimes against civilians. Operation "West"("Zahid"). More than 76,000 West-Ukraine nationals deported | 21.10.1947 | en, lv, ru, ua |
19 |  | Operation Vistula. 141,000 Ukrainians deported | 28.04.1947 | en, lv, ru |
20 |  | Soviet genocide operations against non-russians. July deportation. 6,320 Lithuanians deported | 17.07.1945 | en, lv |