Sydney: hostage situation in cafe, in Sydney, Australia. 3 reported shot dead, 3 wounded

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In Lindt Cafe, Sydney over 40 people were taken hostage on Monday. 

The dramatic scene follows a 16 hour standoff, after Iranian-born Sheik Man Haron Monis, took over 40 people hostage. Monis, who refers to himself as “the Brother”, is apparently a supporter of the radical militants from the Islamic State, an Iraq and Syria-based terrorist organization aiming to create a fundamentalist nation, or a caliphate in the region.


Heavily armored police units have stormed Lindt Café in Sydney after a day-long hostage standoff. Gun fire and stun grenades were heard at the scene.

Police storm Lindt cafe, Sydney hostage crisis over (FULL VIDEO)

At least five hostages were seen fleeing from the building just before the police operation kicked off.

Witnesses have reported the sound of automatic gunfire at the scene, with police deploying flash bangs before storming the premises. Paramedics wearing bulletproof vests were seen entering 

"The exchange was started by three discrete bangs. The first brought about five people from the building. A space followed between the subsequent two and then a near-continuous volley rang out. Dozens of shots,"

James Robertson, a reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald, reported at the bottom of Martin Place; about 150 metres from the scene.

One woman was seen being carried out with blood running down her leg. Paramedics have been seen carrying at least 4 stretchers into the building. Unconfirmed reports say that eleven additional hostages have been freed, with four people injured. One police officer was reportedly injured in the operation.

Later gunman started to shoot, killing one hostage, later police killed gunman. Later the 3rd victim died 

Sydney Morning Herald

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    Name Born / Since / At Died Languages
    1Man Haron MonisMan Haron Monis00.00.196416.12.2014de, en, fr, ru