1 |  | Ringo Starr & His All-Starr Band | 21.02.1989 | en |
2 |  | Band On The Run | 05.12.1973 | en, lv, ru |
3 |  | Montreux Casino burned down during a concert by Frank Zappa. "Smoke on the Water" is about the incident. | 04.12.1971 | de, en, lv, ru |
4 |  | John Lennon's classic album 'Imagine' was released | 09.09.1971 | en, lv, pl, ru |
5 |  | Paul McCartney announced the formation of his new band Wings | 03.08.1971 | en, lv, ru |
6 |  | Oficiāli beidz pastāvēt grupa The Beatles | 10.04.1970 | en, lv, pl |
7 |
| Pola Makartnija dziesma "Hey Jude", kas tika veltīta Džona Lennona dēlam Džulianam, uz 9 nedēļām nokļuva ASV hit-parāžu galvgalī | 28.09.1968 | lv, ru |
8 |
| The Beatles’ Revolver was released | 05.08.1966 | en |
9 |  | ASV izdod Bītlu singlu "Yesterday" | 13.09.1965 | lv, ru |
10 |  | Billboard magazine Hot 100 number one. The Beatles, Help | 04.09.1965 | en, lv |
11 |  | Stadium rock was born as The Beatles appeared before 56,000 at New York's Shea Stadium | 15.08.1965 | en, lv |
12 |  | A Hard Day's Night is a musical comedy film with the Beatles | 02.03.1964 | en, ru |
13 |  | Bītlomānijas sākums: Bītli sāk pirmo koncertturneju ASV | 07.02.1964 | lv, pl |
14 |  | The Beatles got 1st time in US no.1 hit list with "I Want to Hold Your Hand" | 01.02.1964 | en, lv |
15 |  | The Beatles single I Want To Hold Your Hand was released in the UK. It would become the first US No.1 for the group | 29.11.1963 | en, lv |
16 |  | "Beatles" pirmā uzstāšanās televīzijā | 19.01.1963 | lv |
17 |  | Tiek izlaists pirmais The Beatles singls Lielbritānijā "Love Me Do". Tas aptaujās ieņem 14. vietu karalistē, bet 2 gadus vēlāk 1. vietu ASV | 05.10.1962 | lv |
18 |
| The Beatles ieraksta savu pirmo hītu «Love Me Do/P.S I Love You». | 10.09.1962 | lv, ru |
19 |  | The Beatles replaces their drummer Pete Best by Ringo Starr | 15.08.1962 | en, lv |
20 |
| Paul McCartney and Pete Best are arrested and later deported from Hamburg being accused of attempted arson in a cinema | 01.12.1960 | en |