1 |  | Malta ieguva neatkarību no Lielbritānijas | 21.09.1964 | lv, pl |
2 |  | Hitler attends tomb of Napoleon | 12.09.1940 | en |
3 |  | Ocean liner HMHS Britannic of the White Star Line, hit a mine and sank, 30 people died | 21.11.1916 | en, lv, pl |
4 |  | Vidzemē tiek aizliegts slēgt jaunus klaušu līgumus par zemes izmantošanu | 23.04.1865 | lv |
5 |  | November Uprising | 29.11.1830 | en, lv, pl, ru |
6 |  | Decembristu (Dekabristu) dumpis | 14.12.1825 | lv, ru |
7 |  | Dzimtbūšanas atcelšana Vidzemē | 26.03.1819 | lv |
8 |  | Rīgā, Pils laukumā uzstādīta Uzvaras kolonna par godu Krievijas Impērijas uzvarai 1812. gada karā | 27.09.1817 | lv |
9 |  | Krievijas imperatora Aleksandra I klātbūtnē Mītavā (Jelgavā) tika paziņots par dzimtbūšanas atcelšanu | 12.09.1817 | lv, ru |
10 |  | Anna Ģertrūde Vērmane gave a park to Rīga as a gift | 08.06.1817 | de, en, lv, ru |
11 |  | Napoleon I of France begins his exile on Saint Helena in the Atlantic Ocean | 15.10.1815 | en, lv |
12 |
| Louis XVIII returned to Paris after the defeat of Napoleon | 08.07.1815 | en |
13 |  | Napoleon Bonaparte abdicated after defeat at Waterloo | 22.06.1815 | en, lv, pl |
14 |  | Varšavā proklamē "Kongresa Poliju", jeb Polijas teritorijas lielvalstis sadala ceturto reizi | 20.06.1815 | lv, pl |
15 |  | Vaterlo kauja | 18.06.1815 | lv, pl |
16 |  | Congress of Vienna Ends with Signing of Final Act Setting Future European Boundaries | 09.06.1815 | en, pl |
17 |  | Napoleon promulgates a revised Constitution after it passes a plebiscite | 01.06.1815 | en, lv |
18 |  | Napoleon Bonaparte arrived in Paris, after his escape from exile in Elba, to begin his final "Hundred Days" rule of France | 20.03.1815 | en, lv |
19 |  | Sākās Leipcigas kauja | 15.10.1813 | lv, ru |
20 |  | French Emperor Napoleon I defeats a larger force of Austrians, Russians, and Prussians at the Battle of Dresden | 27.08.1813 | en, lv, pl |