Vija Artmane

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Vija Alīda Artmane
Extra names:
Вия Артмане, Вия Фрицевна Артмане
Actor, Communist Party worker, Laureate of state prize, Member of Parliament, Nominee, Order of the Three Stars (Latvia), Politician, Public figure, USSR folk artist
Pokrov Cemetery

Vija Artmane (August 21, 1929 in Kaive, Sēme parish – October 11, 2008 in Strenči) was a Latvian theatre and cinema actress.


Artmane was born Alīda Artmane at the time when Latvia was a sovereign nation. Her father, Franz (Fritz) Artmann, of Baltic German ancestry, died in a tragic accident aged 19, just four months before she was born. Her Polish mother Anna Zaborowska survived as a single mother by doing seasonal agricultural jobs. As a young girl, Artmane grew up playing in the fields; she was fond of wild flowers and learned to make flower arrangements and dolls in the Latvian traditional style. While her mother worked for a landlord, her master sent young Artmane to study music and dance at a ballet class for couple of years. However, at the age of 10, young Artmane became a shepherd girl. She worked with a herd of cows for over five years, and survived until the end of the Second World War. In 1946 she graduated from secondary school and had a dream of becoming a lawyer in order to make the world a better place. At the same time she was involved in amateur acting at her school, and became interested in film and theatre, and eventually her passion for acting prevailed.

Acting career

After the war in 1946 Artmane moved to Riga, and began her studies at the Daile Theatre Second Studio, eventually staying there as member of the troupe for the next 50 years. At the very beginning of her acting career she made the inevitable sacrifices, such as abandoning her favorite countryside, her cows, and changing her first name to Vija, upon a hint from her teacher and for artistic reasons. From 1946 to 1949 Artmane studied acting under the tutelage of the Latvian theatre director Eduards Smiļģis, the original founder of the troupe. From 1949 - 1998 Artmane was the leading star of the troupe at the Daile Theatre in Riga. She played her best stage roles under the directorship of Smiļģis. Her most memorable stage works were such classic roles as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet (1953), and Ophelia in Hamlet among other Shakespeare plays.[2] Artmane also created important roles in Latvian plays such as Indulis and Ārija and Fire and Night under the direction of the National Actor of Latvia Rainis. She was critically acclaimed for her stage works in Russian plays, such as her passionate performance as Tolstoy's heroine Anna Karenina; she also played in Tolstoy's War and Peace, in Gogol's Dead Souls, and other classic Russian plays. After the death of Smiļģis, in 1966, Artmane gradually switched to contemporary plays, but she also continued to perform some of her classic stage roles during the 1970s and 1980s.

From 1998 to 2000 she worked with the New Riga Theatre. There she appeared in the title role in a stage production of The Queen of Spades based on the eponymous short story by Alexander Pushkin.

Becoming a film star

In 1956, Artmane was already a recognised star of the Latvian stage, when she made her film debut in Posle shtorma (After the Storm). In 1963 she shot to fame in the Soviet Union with her leading role as Sonya, a beautiful and loving mother, opposite Evgeni Matveev in the popular film Native Blood (1963). After that film Artmane was nicknamed "Mother-Latvia"[3] in her homeland. She enjoyed a steady film career in the Soviet Union during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. Her film career was highlighted with such roles as Veda Kong in the popular science fiction film Tumannost' Andromedy (1967), as EmpressCatherine the Great in the historical drama Yemelyan Pugachyov (1978), as Julia Lamber in the film Teātris (1978) and other notable film works. Vija Artmane appeared as herself in a documentary on her life entitled Conversation with the Queen (1980) which was produced at the Riga Film Studio.


Vija Artmane is regarded as one of the leading figures of Latvian culture. During the period of Soviet control, Artmane took an active part in the movement for preservation and support of Latvian national heritage; she has been an active proponent for the use of the Latvian language in literature and art, as well as in everyday life. She received the title of "National Actress of Latvia", and was recognised as a People's Artist of the USSR in 1969. The same year she was a member of the jury at the 6th Moscow International Film Festival.

In 1999 Artmane was given an award by the Latvian Ministry of Culture for her contribution to the art of theatre and cinema. In 2003 she received the special Theatre Prize for her long-standing contribution to Latvian culture. In 2007 Vija Artmane was decorated with the Order of the Three Stars, which is conferred in recognition of outstanding civil merit in the service of Latvia.

The asteroid 4136 Artmane was named in her honour.


  • 1963 — Native Blood
  • 1963 — Introduction to Life
  • 1967 — Nobody Wanted to Die
  • 1967 — Strong with Spirit
  • 1967 — The Andromeda Nebula
  • 1975 — The Arrows of Robin Hood
  • 1978 — Pugachev
  • 1978 — Theatre
  • 1987 — Moonzund


  • Honoured Artist of the Latvian SSR (1956)
  • People's Artist of the Latvian SSR (1965)
  • People's Artist of the USSR (1969)
  • Order of Lenin (1979)
  • Order of Friendship (Russia, 2004)
  • Order of the Three Stars (22 October 2007)
  • Winner of the All-Union Film Festival (1964, 1968).
  • Laureate of State Prize of the Latvian SSR (1980)
  • Prize named Lilita Berzina (1987)
  • Prize named Bertha Rumnietse (1996)
  • Prize II All-Russian Festival "New Russian Cinema" (2001)
  • Top award for lifelong contribution to Latvian arts (2003)

Personal life

Vija Artmane was married to Latvian actor Artūrs Dimiters, and the couple had two children, a son and a daughter.[5] In 1986, after the death of her husband, she suffered from emotional breakdown and later had a stroke. In the 1990s, Artmane moved out of the city of Riga due to money shortage and settled in the countryside. In early 2000s (decade), she converted to Russian Orthodoxy. In 2004 she published a book of memoirs covering her acting career as well as her personal life.



Images Title Relation type From To Description Languages
1Rīgas Valsts 3. ģimnāzijaRīgas Valsts 3. ģimnāzijalv
2Rīgas KinostudijaRīgas Kinostudijaworklv, ru
3Dzintari Concert Hall, JūrmalaDzintari Concert Hall, Jūrmalaen, lv, ru



        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
        1Fricis Arnolds ArtmanisFricis Arnolds ArtmanisFather00.03.190909.03.1929
        2Anna Regīna ArtmaneAnna Regīna ArtmaneMother00.00.190300.00.1975
        3Artūrs DimitersArtūrs DimitersHusband27.04.191501.11.1986
        Stefans ZaborskisUncle00.00.192500.00.1945
        Pēteris ZaborskisUncle30.06.191522.05.1944
        6Valentīns ZaborskisValentīns ZaborskisUncle31.05.192828.08.2012
        7Berta Ede UžāneBerta Ede UžāneMother in-law07.04.188405.06.1973
        8Edgars DimitersEdgars DimitersBrother in-law09.09.191823.03.2003
        Ansis ArtmanisGrandfather
        10Juris ZaborskisJuris ZaborskisGrandfather00.00.187307.12.1944
        Lība ZaborskisGrandmother
        Karlīne ArtmanisGrandmother
        13Евгений МатвеевЕвгений МатвеевPartner, Friend, Coworker08.03.192201.06.2003

        14Skaidrīte DimitereSkaidrīte DimitereDistant relative22.03.192016.02.2006

        30.11.1919 | The Latvian National Theatre

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        19.11.1920 | Nodibināts Dailes Teātris

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        06.09.1936 | Nodibināts goda nosaukums - PSRS Tautas mākslinieks

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        07.08.1956 | Mākslas filma "Kā gulbji balti padebeši iet"

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        01.07.1966 | Nobody Wanted to Die

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        26.11.1967 | Strong with Spirit

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        19.02.1971 | Mākslas filma "Tauriņdeja"

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        05.05.1973 | Kinokomēdija "Dāvana vientuļai sievietei"

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        30.10.1977 | Dailes teātris pārceļas uz jauno ēku

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        16.10.1978 | Mākslas filmas "Teātris" pirmizrāde

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        02.07.1982 | Ilgais ceļš kāpās

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        01.06.1985 | Emil's Mischiefs

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        05.08.1985 | Aktieru Amtmaņu Dzimto māju-muzeja "Zvanītāju Buku" atklāšana

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        14.05.1986 | PSRS Kinematogrāfistu V Kongress un Jāņa Streiča runa

        Kāds ļoti spilgts un revolucionārs notikums pirmsatmodas un arī Latvijas kino vēsturē - Jāņa Streiča drosmīgā runa PSRS Kinematogrāfistu savienības kongresā 1986. gadā, kas raksturo izcilo latviešu kinorežisoru kā lielisku oratoru ar prasmi ironizēt un improvizēt, taču vissvarīgāk – tas bija liels un nozīmīgs solis pretī pārmaiņām un mūsu visu brīvībai.

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        17.11.2016 | Juris Dimiters: Šobrīd ir prasts, primitīvs, vulgārs autoritārisms, bez ideāliem

        JURIS DIMITERS: «Bēgļiem Latvijā nav komfortabli, viņu te nebūs. Ticamāks variants – daudzu Eiropas valstu iedzīvotāji pārcelsies uz dzīvi šeit, jo te ir daudzmaz mierīga zona. Demokrātijas citadeles jau ievārīja to putru ar bēgļiem, sākot ar to, ka paši apmācīja šodienas ekstrēmistus. Protams, ka visa pamatā ir nafta. Savulaik izrādei Šerloks Holmss Jānis Peters rakstīja vārdus Raimonda Paula dziesmām. Tie izrādījušies pravietiski: «Tu šausies, tu dursies, tu bumbosies/Dēļ naftas, dēļ naftas, dēļ naftas vien/Kam nafta šai pasaulē piederēs/Tas pārvaldīs, pārvaldīs galdu viens.» Jau toreiz Peteram viss bija skaidrs»

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        27.12.2019 | Juris Dimiters: Atmodu sākām kā cibiņi, beidzām kā buņģi

        Elitas Veidemanes intervija ar mākslinieku Juri Dimiteru

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