Kārlis Goppers

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Kārlis Goppers
, General, Order of Lacplesis, Order of the Three Stars (Latvia), Victim of repression (genocide) of the Soviet regime, WWI participant
Rīgas Brāļu kapi

General Kārlis Goppers (April 2, 1876, Plāņi parish – March 25, 1941 at Ulbroka) was a Latvian military officer and the founder and President of Latvijas Skautu un Gaidu Centrālā Organizācija (Boy-scouts central organisation).

He was the commander of the 7th Bauska riflemen regiment during World War I and commander of the Vidzeme division of the Latvian army, from 1924 to April 1934, when he retired.

In 1940, after the Soviet occupation of Latvia, a special officer was appointed by the communists to abolish Scouting. Scouting continued unofficially and underground, operating without uniforms and in the forests to avoid detection.

On 30 September 1940, the NKVD arrested General Goppers.

He was sentenced to death and on 25 March 1941, he was shot in Ulbroka forest.

Goppers is recipient of the Latvian military Order of Lāčplēsis, 2nd class and many Russian awards for WWI battles.

Source: wikipedia.org, news.lv, lkok.com


Images Title Relation type From To Description Languages
1Inciema muiža (kungu nams)Inciema muiža (kungu nams)00.00.192000.00.1937lv



        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
        1Sergejs GoppersSergejs GoppersSon24.01.191509.04.1963
        2Miķelis GoppersMiķelis GoppersSon13.06.190805.11.1996
        3Tatjana  BarševskaTatjana BarševskaDaughter08.08.191320.10.1995
        4Augusts GoppersAugusts GoppersBrother29.09.187217.09.1938
        5Vera GoppereVera GoppereWife23.08.188231.07.1956
        Verners BarševskisSon in-law00.00.1906
        Irja Ausma GopperDaughter in-law12.01.190622.08.1984
        Pauls BarševskisGrandson04.05.195031.01.2003
        Miķelis RozentālsGrandson26.04.194523.07.2022
        Ieva GulēnaGranddaughter06.12.194205.05.1963
        11Fricis GoppersFricis GoppersRelative23.04.187426.11.1936
        12Janis RozentālsJanis RozentālsDistant relative18.03.186608.01.1917

        19.02.1870 | Tiek iesvētīts Rīgas Latviešu biedrības pirmais nams

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        13.01.1905 | 1905. gads 13. janvāra demonstrācija

        Nemieri jeb 1905. gada revolūcija Latvijā 1905. gadā sākās ar 13. janvāra (piekārtots pie datuma, ignorējot stilu, 26.1.1905 pēc jaunā) manifestāciju Rīgā, kuru, kā reakciju uz demonstrantu apšaušanu Sanktpēterburgā 9. janvārī, organizēja LSDP.

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        05.01.1917 | Christmas Battles

        The Christmas Battles (Latvian:Ziemassvētku kaujas; German:Aa-Schlachten; Russian:Митавская операция) were offensive operations of the Russian army during World War I in the area of Jelgava, Latvia, by the 12th Army of the Northern Front. They took place from December 23 (January 5) untill December 29 (January 11) 1916 (1917). The Army was commanded by Gen. Radko Dimitriev; it was opposed by the 8th German Army. The battles took place in a swampy region, Tīreļpurvs (Tīrelis swamp), between Lake Babīte and Jelgava. The main assault force was the VI Siberian Rifle Corps which included two Latvian Rifleman brigades. Incompetence of Russian high command leaded to disastrous events in the Army. A month later February revolution begun.

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        11.01.1917 | Beidzas 1. Pasaules kara Ziemassvētku kaujas

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        05.08.1940 | Ar PSRS APP dekrētu tiek izveidota Latvijas PSR - Latvija tika inkorporēta PSRS sastāvā

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        16.05.1946 | Sākas LPSR IeM karaspēka Kara tribunāla sēdē Rīgā, kas tiesāja Latvijas Centrālās Padomes arestētos biedrus

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