Aina Muceniece

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Businessman, Cross of Merit, Order of Latvian, Inventor, PhD , Professor, Public figure, Scientist, WWII participant
 latvian, livonian, livs
Rīga, Kapsila kapi (Rumbulas kapi)

Aina Muceniece was born 23.03.1924. busineswoman, she was active in social activitiesand participated in different activities in the territory of Latvia until 2010.

According to information from SIA Lursoft, and to publications from mass-media and internet, Aina Muceniece was related to following organisations:

She died at the age of 85 years, in 2010.

More information about person with name Aina Muceniece you could find in News Library NB! All persons with the same name would be found.

His / her died in Latvia, in Carnikavas nov.

Sources: Mass-media, internet resources,,

*** Aina Muceniece (23 March 1924 – 14 February 2010) was a Latvian scientist, immunologist, Emeritus Scientist and the inventor of the cancer drug RIGVIR. She was honorary member of the Latvian Association of Oncologists, received the Cross of Recognition for meritorious service to the Republic of Latvia.

Life and work

Aina Muceniece was born in Katlakalns, Latvia. She graduated the Vilis Olavs School in Riga and worked as a nurse during the Second World War in Yaroslavl, USSR. After the war, she studied medicine at the Latvian State University, where she earned a doctor's degree.

Muceniece started her scientific career at the August Kirhenstein Institute of Microbiology (Latvian Academy of Sciences), first as a senior laboratory assistant, later as a senior research associate. In the 1960s, she discovered the phenomenon of viruses being able to destroy cancerous cells and started researching this phenomenon. In 1965, a virotherapy laboratory was founded at the August Kirhenstein Institute of Microbiology, Muceniece became head of the laboratory and led it until 1989. During this period, various trials of RIGVIR were held at the laboratory. Muceniece also worked at the Pauls Stradiņš Hospital and the National Oncology Center as an immunology consultant.


  • A.Muceniece, N.Pakalninsh. Viral neuroinfections Coxsackie and ECHO. Riga, 1964. Publisher Latvian Academy of Sciences. 129 p. (Russian lang.)
  • A.Muceniece. Oncotropism of viruses and cancer virotherapy problem. Riga, 1972, Science, 443, p. (Russian lang.)
  • A.Muceniece, A.Ferdats. Virology (Manual). Riga, 1985, Zvaigzne. 200 pp. (Latvian lang.)
  • Translated scientific book: Ivan Pavlov. Collection of articles. Latvian State Publishing House. Riga, 1952, 440 p. (Russian lang.)
  • Oncotropism of viruses. Riga, Zinatne, 1969, 219 p. (Russian lang.)
  • Viruses in cancer therapy. Experimental studies. Riga. Zinatne, 1978, 204 p. (Russian lang.)
  • Immunological aspects of viral oncotropism. Riga. Zinatne, 1979, 120 p. (Russian lang.)
  • Heterogenization of tumours. Riga. Zinatne, 1980, 159 p. (Russian lang.)
  • Tumour immunology. Riga. Zinatne, 1982. 207 p. (Russian lang.)
  • Non-specific stimulants of tumour immunotherapy. Riga. Zinatne, 1985, 223 pages. (Russian lang.)
  • Modulation of anti-cancer immunity in the postoperative period. Riga. Zinatne, 1988, 142 pp. (Russian lang.)
  • A.Muceniece, R.Bruvere, D.Venskus, G.Feldmane. Methodological indications for the use of biological medicines Rigvir and Larifan in oncology and for the prevention of secondary immunodeficiency. Publisher: Society of Aina Muceniece to develop cancer immunotherapy, Jelgava, 2006.
  • A.Muceniece, D.Venskus. How to evaluate the immune system. Melanoma model. Publisher: Society of Aina Muceniece to develop cancer immunotherapy, Riga, 2008. (Latvian lang.)



Images Title Relation type From To Description Languages
1Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijaLatvijas Zinātņu akadēmijalv



        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
        1Alīda MucenieceAlīda MucenieceMother04.02.189622.03.1977
        Gaida CakuleSister03.11.192810.09.1997
        3Rolands MucenieksRolands MucenieksHusband00.00.192200.00.2002
        4Vilnis StinkulisVilnis StinkulisRelative10.01.195908.02.2013
        5Vilis StinkulisVilis StinkulisRelative16.10.192730.06.1932
        6Katrīne StinkuleKatrīne StinkuleRelative24.03.186430.08.1949
        7Vilnis StinkulisVilnis StinkulisRelative25.04.193322.10.1998

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