Ashley Hasti

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Ashley Hasti, a 31-year-old medical student, was found dead in her Brooklyn Park on Thursday, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports.

Ashley Hasti, the wife of Mainak Sarkar was fatally shot in her Minnesota home before the disgruntled PhD drove across the country and killed his former professor William Klug at UCLA in his office, leading to a chaotic lockdown that lasted several hours on the sprawling Los Angeles campus.

Sarkar fatally shot himself after killing Klug, but police searched the campus out of an abundance of caution, forcing terrified students and staff to frantically lock themselves inside classes and offices until the all clear was given.

Hasti was listed on a “kill list” found inside Sarkar’s St. Paul, Minnesota home, police said.

It was originally reported that Hasti was Sarkar’s ex-girlfriend, but authorities told WCCO-TV that they were married.

Here’s what you need to know:

Ashley Hasti’s body was found early Thursday morning when the Brooklyn Park Police Department went to her house for a welfare check after the kill list was found inside Sarkar’s St. Paul home, WCCO-TV reports.

Brooklyn Park police find female gunshot victim after @LAPDHQ requested welfare check related to #UCLA shooter.

— Ashley Roberts (@AshleyRobertsTV) June 2, 2016

Mainak Sarkar’s kill list also included his former professor, William Klug, and another UCLA professor, who has not been named.

The second UCLA professor was not shot.

In a March 2016 blog post, Sarkar accused Klug, a mechanical and aerospace engineering professor, of stealing his computer code while he was a student of his at UCLA.

“William Klug, UCLA professor is not the kind of person when you think of a professor. He is a very sick person. I urge every new student coming to UCLA to stay away from this guy ...My name is Mainak Sarkar. I was this guy’s PhD student. We had personal differences. He cleverly stole all my code and gave it another student. He made me really sick.

Sarkar wrote in his blog


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        ИмяРодствоДата рожденияДата смертиОписание
        1Mainak SarkarMainak SarkarГражданский муж, Насильних, убийца00.00.197801.06.2016