Emil Palkoska

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"Czech lawyer, master of the chess problem.

Autor mnoha šachových článků a knih. Author of many chess articles and books.

He published the first in 1888, composed more than 1500 compositions, mainly triplets. He belongs to the most important chess composers.

He was the founder of the direction where he is an important component of strategy content or a logical combination.

In the Album of the FIDE has earned 18 points, with 200 awards, including about 35 first and 85 other awards.

In 1907-1954, he conducted a compositional chess club in Prague called the Faculty.

In the National Politics of 1907-1945 and in People's Democracy, 1946-1955 led the Chess Patrol.

He wrote books: Schachprobleme: Weiss: Dame und ein Läufer (with AC White, 1911), Idea and Economics in the Chess Role (1928)."

Another source reports:

Emil Palkoska (11.5.1871-14.5.1955) was one of the main representatives of the Bohemian problem school and published around 1200 problems from 1888 onwards, mainly three-move problems. From 1907 to 1945 he headed the chess section of the newspaper Národn\'{\i politika}, and was also the author of three books: in 1911 the collection of chess problems was published in the Christmas series. White: Queen and a Bishop, which is one of the early attempts to systematically record chess problems. This was followed in 1928 by his trilingual (Czech, English and German) Idee und Ökonomie im Schachproblem, a classic that was followed by a second volume in 1947.

Others: 3 endgame studies composed by him are selected on the Dutch Website arves.org.

Source: www.arves.org

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