Amit Buskila

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Amit Buskila, 28, was kidnapped from the Nova Festival on October 7th.

Her family have spent the last 223 days praying for her safe return. Today her body was found decomposing in Rafah. Hamas executed her on the day of her kidnapping and held her body hostage ever since. Her body alongside the body of Shani Louk and Itzik Gelerenter have been recovered today by IDF forces in Gaza.


Amit was trying to hide behind parked cars and she called her uncle Shimon who she had beautiful relationship with. Shimon then heard her begging and the last words he heard her say were, “No, no, no,” and then, in a weak voice, “I love you.” He stayed on the phone, and could hear gunshots and yelling in Arabic, but wasn’t able to reach Amit after those last words. Amit was kidnapped and dragged to Gaza by Hamas cruel monsters. For 223 days family was waiting for her return. Today her body was discovered by Israeli soldiers, in Rafah. That's how Amit's life ended, in the claws of monsters from hell.

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