Gabriella Cipriani-Merolli

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Enea Merolli
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Gabriella Cipriani-Merolli (*12.02.1918 - †  05.07.1964)

Born in Chieti, Abruzzo (east of Rome). She died in Rome as a result of cervical carcinoma. Her poetic work: 'Vigna Clara' (32 pages, 1963). Her father's name was: Enea Merolli (03.03.1879 - † 27.12.1963) Her mother's name was: Giovanna Gorgo -

Her children - all born in Rome, quartiere Parioli, Via Eustachio Manfredi 17 (Quarto piano, porta 16)- are called:

  - Giovanni Cipriani (born 07.01.1944): long-time cultural manager, organizer and passionate collector of valuable, old and rare books), Maria Letizia Cipriani, Maurizio Cipriani (first Maurizio was in Germany as an employee in a large warehouse, then he travelled back to Rome and worked as an upholsterer; Maurizio is retired),

- Armando Cipriani (born 10.07.1947): (former entrepreneur of a swimming pool "Piscina Don Bosco" with his wife Laura in Rome),

 - Luigi Cipriani: (master upholsterer; "Antica tappezzeria Cipriani dal 1870" was a small craft business. This old wallpapering business was closed and dissolved in October 2020, during the Corona lockdown, after 150 years of wallpapering tradition),

  - Liliana Cipriani, Silvio Cipriani, Paolo Cipriani (he used to work as an upholsterer)

   - Lucia Nadia Cipriani: born 27. Febr. 1955 Artist, oriental dancer; Nadia Cipriani has lived in Austria since 1975. She became an Austrian citizen in 1987 and initially worked in the hospitality industry in Innsbruck. She then lived in the city of Salzburg for many years and rented a flat on the Mönchsberg. She lived with her boyfriend Peter Siegfried Krug, whom she met in a shared flat, in Essegasse and then in Siezenheim for 15 years. In the fall of 2004, she and her boyfriend moved to the outskirts of Salzburg, not far from the former Elmokino (2004 - 2016). In summer 2016 Nadia Cipriani left the city of Salzburg and moved to Hallein with her partner Peter Siegfried Krug, Lucia Nadia Cipriani has now retired. She sings in the Halleiner Liedertafel choir.

- Maria Teresa Cipriani: widow of (Giuseppe) Pino Oddo (born in Grattieri in Sicilia). Since 2015, she lives with her daughter Serena Oddo dancer in Rome). She has been friends with Mauro Remoli for years. Mauro Remoli has a house in Oriolo where he lives as a widower.

  - Stefano Cipriani:  (10.07.1958 - died † 21.02.2022), Massimo Cipriani (gardener), Gabriele Cipriani

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