Nicholas P. Cumer

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Mediķis, Nozieguma upuris, Students
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Nicholas Cumer was a man that we all could look up to and count on. Attending Saint Francis University, Nicholas completed his undergraduate degree in Exercise Physiology. After being accepted into the Masters program, Master of Cancer Care, he started his internship at Dayton, Ohio at Maple Tree Cancer Alliance. 

Nicholas had the personality and smile that would shine brighter than the hardest times. He was a friend you could rely on with unmatched compassion and support. Nick has left an impact on every life he came in contact with and will always be in our hearts.

Connor Betts, 24, killed his sister Megan Betts, 22, along with eight others before he was shot dead by police, authorities said Sunday afternoon. At least 27 others were wounded in the shooting at the Oregon District area of the city. All of them were shot on or near the street where Betts opened fire, Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley said.


City of Dayton Releases List of Victims from Oregon Shooting

Lois L. Oglesby BF27

Megan K. Betts WF22

Saeed Saleh BM38

Derrick R. Fudge BM57

Logan M. Turner WM30

Nicholas P. Cumer WM25

Thomas J. McNichols BM25

Beatrice N. Warren-Curtis BF36

Monica E. Brickhouse BF39

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