Divu militāro helikopteru sadursmē Mali bojā gājušas 13 Francijas armijas militārpersonas
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- 0
- Notikumi:
- 42Notikumu saraksts
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- 0
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- 0
- Kapsētas:
- 0
- Datums:
- 26.11.2019
Vairāku pasaules valstu līderi, tai skaitā Kanādas premjers izteicis līdzjūtību Francijas tautai.
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the fatal French helicopter crash in Mali:
“It is with deep sadness that I learned of the terrible collision between two helicopters in Mali, which killed 13 brave French soldiers on board.
“Canada joins with the people of France as they mourn the loss of these soldiers. Like Canadians in uniform who were deployed in Mali, they served their country bravely, in pursuit of a safer and more peaceful world.
“On behalf of all Canadians, Sophie and I extend our heartfelt condolences to the loved ones of those killed in this devastating crash. Our thoughts are with them during this difficult time.”
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