Apšaude Kabulā, Afganistānas Parlamenta ēkā iebrukuši bruņoti Taleban teroristi. Vismaz 5 nogalināti
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- Datums:
- 22.06.2015
KABUL UPDATE - Security official outside Parliament says five civilians, including a child, were killed in today's attack.
TOLOnews @TOLOnews 1m1 minute ago
KABUL: Siege in parliament area continues - special forces launched operation to bring it under control
TOLOnews @TOLOnews 3m3 minutes ago
KABUL - 21 civilians injured in Parliament attack - incl 5 women and 3 children: health officials
Kabul attack updates: Sources say at least 6 attackers are involved in the attack over Afghan parliament.
Esmatullah Kohsar @EKohsar 42m42 minutes ago
Kabul attack updates: insurgents entered a building close to the parliament, reports say an RPG rocket has been shot inside the parliament.
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