Maigonis Leons Barbans

- Dzimšanas datums:
- 28.07.1926
- Miršanas datums:
- 23.09.2013
- Apglabāšanas datums:
- 09.10.2013
- Mūža garums:
- 87
- Dienas kopš dzimšanas:
- 36031
- Gadi kopš dzimšanas:
- 98
- Dienas kopš miršanas:
- 4197
- Gadi kopš miršanas:
- 11
- Tautība:
- latvietis
- Kapsēta:
- Norādīt kapsētu
Dad was born in Riga 28th July 1926. He grew up in Prauliena near Madona, on his parents' farm, along with his sisters Inte and the late Gaida.
In 1944 the farm was taken over by German troops fighting the invading Russians. This lead to the family fleeng Latvia as refugees to Germany, where they worked in an agricultural camp.
After the war, Dads parents and sisters went to America. However Dad came to England. After breefly moving to Canada, he returned to England, where he met my mother Rose. They married in 1963 and were together for 50 years. I, Robert, their son was born in 1971.Dad kept in touch with many Latvian friends (I am Lidija Skolnija one of them who places Robert's letter to me in Nekropole). Sadly some have passed away.
Dad has worked for several companies, the most recent being "Tarmac", where he worked as an accounts clerk, for 20 years.
After Latvia regained its independence, Das was thrilled to be able to revisit his homeland which he did several times staying for several weeks. He was joined on 3 of these trips, by myself and my mom. (Lidija: Viņš piedalījās arī pirmajā Praulienas novadnieku salidojumā kuru mēs noorganizējām 1991. gadā, kad es strādāju Praulienā par pagasta priekšsēdētāju).
Dad enjoyed listening Latvian music and watching videos of Latvian Folk Danceing and Songs Festivals, some of which he filmed while in Latvia. He was very keen on Steam Tractiion Engines, and particularly liked vintage tractors. We have enjoyed visiting many "Engine Rallies" together.
Sadly, dad became ill with cancer of the kidney but did not show of illness until the last couple of month. He passed away following a stroke in "Newcross Hospital". Wolverhampton, England.
Rest in peace Dad. Love you always.
Son Robert.
Wife Rose.
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