Jānis Lecis

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Gadi kopš miršanas:
Dzimis Latvijā, Lidotājs
Norādīt kapsētu
  • December 1936 - graduates from the Riga flight school Sport Aviator program.
  • Member of the Latvian Aviation Regiment.
  • June 30, 1939 - graduates from military flight school.
  • February, 1944 - assigned to the 1st Squadron of NSG.12 (Latvian night bomber unit in the Luftwaffe)
  • Member of the first group of five Latvian fighter pilots.
  • October 1944 - assigned to JG-54, stationed in Tukums, Latvia.
  • November 1944 - assigned to JG.1 "Oesau", stationed in Greifswald, Germany.
  • December 5, 1944 (with JG.1) - while attacking an allied bomber formation, Lecis is shot down. He manages to make a 'belly landing' on a heavily damaged airfield near Neurupin, but the landing is very hard and he ends up in hospital.
  • In mid-April 1945 he was assigned to Erlangen for training on Me-262 jet fighters. Germany capitulated before the training could take place.
  • After the war, emigrated to Venezuela.
  • April 16, 2004 - dies, in Naguanagua, State of Carabobo, Venezuela. Survived by his widow, Velta.

Sieva Velta, dēls Pēteris - Venecuēlas kara flotes kapteinis.

Avots: http://latvianaviation.com/

Avoti: periodika.lv

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