Gunārs Gobiņš
- Dzimšanas datums:
- 00.00.1964
- Miršanas datums:
- 28.09.1994
- Mūža garums:
- 30
- Dienas kopš dzimšanas:
- 22356
- Gadi kopš dzimšanas:
- 61
- Dienas kopš miršanas:
- 11128
- Gadi kopš miršanas:
- 30
- Kategorijas:
- Šoferis
- Tautība:
- latvietis
- Kapsēta:
- Norādīt kapsētu
Kravas automašīnas šoferis, kurš gājis bojā prāmja Estonia katastrofas laikā.
Minēts, kā viena no personām, kura auto bijis piekrauts ar kontrabandas militāro kravu no Ukrainas .
"...The confirmation that the 'Estonia' carried secret cargoes of contraband type should be further investigated. Latest information (May 2005) is that the military contraband was carried a the Latvian heavy truck bound from the Ukraine (not confirmed) with registrations number AG 565 with driver Gunars Gobins, born 1964. The truck was passed and recorded by the Estonian customs (according to Hirschfeldt) and thus loaded on the 'Estonia' 27 September 1994 but the ship owners never registered the truck in the loading bill and never informed the Swedish customs (or the accident Commission) that the truck was aboard. It should be fairly easy to find out the background of Gunars Gobins and his truck..."
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