Jan Bytnar

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Jan Bytnar, Rudy, Czarny, Janek, Krokodyl, Jan Rudy
Officer, Scout, Victim of nazism, WWII participant
Warszawa, Powązki Military Cemetery

Jan Roman Bytnar (codenames: Rudy, Czarny, Janek, Krokodyl, Jan Rudy; born 6 May 1921, Kolbuszowa, Poland - died 30 March 1943, Warsaw, Poland) was a Polish Scoutmaster (harcmistrz), Polish Scouting resistance activist and Second Lieutenant of the Armia Krajowa during the Second World War. The son of Stanisław Bytnar and Zdzisława Rechulówna, Jan Bytnar is a leading character of both Aleksander Kamiński's Kamienie na szaniec and Barbara Wachowicz's Rudy, Alek, Zośka.

Arrest, death, and reprisal

He was arrested by the German Nazis on 23 March 1943 and rescued by the Grupy Szturmowe of the Szare Szeregi three days later during the so-called Arsenal action on 26 March. He died on 30 March from injuries sustained by the Gestapo, aged 21.

The extremely brutal interrogation of Bytnar was conducted by SS Rottenführer Ewald Lange and SS Obersturmführer Herbert Schultz. Both were assassinated by Grupy Szturmowe of Szare Szeregi. Schultz was shot dead on 6 May 1943 by Sławomir Maciej Bittner (aka "Maciek") and Eugeniusz Kecher (aka "Kolczan"). Lange was shot dead on 22 May 1943 by Jerzy Zapadko (aka "Dzik").


Source: wikipedia.org

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        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
        1Stanisław BytnarStanisław BytnarFather31.03.189700.00.1945
        2Zdzisława BytnarowaZdzisława BytnarowaMother12.03.190113.08.1994
        Danuta Barbara DziekańskaSister05.01.192419.04.2008

        20.03.1942 | Na murach Warszawy po raz pierwszy pojawił się Znak Polski Walczącej

        Mały sabotaż. Kotwica – Znak Polski Walczącej namalowany przez Jana Guta na placu Unii Lubelskiej w Warszawie. Po przeciwnej stronie cokołu Pomnika Lotnika Kotwicę namalował Jan Bytnar ps. Rudy.

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        26.03.1943 | Operation Arsenal

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