Nicolae Micu

Birth Date:
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Chess player
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Nicolae Micu (Rumania,  13.02.1939).

Excellent chess composer of endgame studies (43 in the number)

He was Fide Master of the FIDE for chess composition since 1995.

He was International Judge of the FIDE for chess compositions since 2004.

About his endgame studies:

His studies testify to his mastery. He composed perfect chess studies with systematic movements, studies with enigmatic moves. Unfortunately, nothing is known about his life. There is also no photo of him on the Internet. Unfortunately, nothing is known about these study composers for many, many years.

It is strongly assumed that he has already died, as there has been no sign of life on the Internet for a very long time.

On the Website is written:

Little information about him on ChessComposersblogspot.

EG index gives the following interesting references to articles in EG with or by him:

Micu-60 Jubilee Tourney 2001 13191-200 (145)

Micu, N. Buletin Problemistic 1996-97 759 (147 supplement)
Micu, N. Micu-60 JT 2001 607 (145)
Micu, N. Mihoc MT 419 (112)
Micu, N. The Problemist 1994-95 170 (151)
Micu, N. Revista Romana de Sah 1989-92 252 (109)

Website ARVES: 3 endgame studies by him are selected (selection was made by Peter Krug)

Others: On the website: pdb.dieschwalbe. are 11 chess problems presented:

             5 helpmate, 4 selfmate and 2 endgame studies

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