Andrej Ivanovich Levickij

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Андрей Иванович Левицкий
Victim of repression (genocide) of the Soviet regime
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Born 1902, русский; среднее;

Воспитатель 137 детдома, студент Ленинградского Педагогического института.

Lived: г. Ленинград, пр. К.Маркса, д.40, кв.137.

Arrested: 13 April 1925.

Sentenced: ОС КОГПУ 12 June 1925.

Charged: 62, 68.

Verdict: 3 года лишения свободы

Source: Архив НИЦ "Мемориал" (Санкт-Петербург)



Lived: Уфа.

Arrested: 1929.

Sentenced: 1930.

Verdict: ссылка в Петропавловск (Северный Казахстан)

Source: Материалы к биографическому словарю социалистов и анархистов, НИПЦ "Мемориал" (Москва)


Born 1902, русский; среднее;


Sentenced: ОС КОГПУ 9 Mart 1928.

Verdict: 3 года высылки в Казахстан

Rehabilitated: 14 September 1995. Прокуратура г. Санкт-Петербурга

Source: Архив НИЦ "Мемориал" (Санкт-Петербург)


Lived: Петроград.

Sentenced: 1925.

Verdict: заключение в Верхнеуральский политизолятор на 3 г.

Source: Материалы к биографическому словарю социалистов и анархистов, НИПЦ "Мемориал" (Москва)

Actually Andrey Levitsky Born in Switzerland in Davos, where died of tuberculosis, his father, a priest of the Orthodox Church of Florence of the Nativity and St. Nicholas. A month after the birth of his son, the father of Ivan Levitsky died. Up to 9 years with his mother, Andrew Zinaida Andreyevna lived in the house of his grandfather - the abbot of the Florentine church of Vladimir Ivanovich Levitsky.

A s1913 he studied at the Imperial College of Law in St. Petersburg (at that time Vladimir Levitsky was attached to the hereditary nobility of Grodno province).


Education at the Institute was interrupted by the revolution and has since Andrei Levitsky changed a lot of jobs: he was a tram driver, he served in the political department of the Southern Front in the civil war, worked as a tutor and studied at the Pedagogical Institute. About his political views, he did not apply afterwards, but his wife is sometimes reproached him for commitment Menshevism. What role Andrei Levitsky played in Petrograd organization of the Mensheviks in 1925, hard to say, but in some documents he is mentioned among the leaders of the cell. April 14, 1925, among other 68 people, Andrei Levitsky was arrested and sentenced to imprisonment in Verhneuralsk politizolyatore.V 1929, at the end of his imprisonment, he was exiled to live in Ufa, in 1930 he was arrested again and sent into exile in the East -Kazahstanskuyu area. As Andrei Ivanovich was a very educated man, he was attracted as a teacher of physics at the newly organized School of Communications. There he met with a student Tonya Yudina, where he married in 1933.

In 1935, according to one source, the director of the school, on the other - one of the students, warned AI Levitsky that he faces arrest and even gave money to move to another location. So the family Levitsky turned in the Voronezh region. In 1937 they had a third child - a daughter.

Initially Andrey earned that led the accounting documents for agricultural cooperatives and collective farms, and then he managed to get in the Lipetsk branch of the State Bank, later worked there and his wife.

In war Levitsky was called in the fall of 1941, was briefly surrounded near Bryansk, wounded near Moscow in 1942. By a clerk at the hospital, but his main task was translated: participation in the interrogation of prisoners, not only the Germans, the translation of documents.

War Andrey graduated in Königsberg, was demobilized only in 1946 - after the capture of the Prussian capital he studied translation and systematization of documents.

After returning to Russia Levitsky again came to the attention of the security forces. In Astrakhan, where he and his family had moved to work, NKVD had somehow found out about his criminal record. A happy life ended suddenly. The family was evicted from official housing fired. Wife and her daughters moved to the suburbs, where it lived times during her sister, and Andrey was in Astrakhan, as the son of finishing school.


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        Relation nameRelation typeBirth DateDeath dateDescription
        1Aleksandra LjublinskajaAleksandra LjublinskajaCousin27.05.190222.01.1980
        2Vladimir LjublinskijVladimir LjublinskijRelative00.00.1903

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