Kanamat Botashev

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Канамат Боташев, Канамат Боташев, Kanamat Huseevich Botashev
General, Hero of the Russian Federation, KIA of Russian invasion in Ukraine war 2014-24, Military person, Officer, Pilot, War criminal, opponent of integrity of Ukraine
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Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Lugansk region shot down a Russian aircraft Su-25, at the controls of which was Major General of the Russian Federation Kanamat Botashev, Glavred writes.


What is known about the scandalous rashist general:

Kanamat Botashev - Major General of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, born in 1959

He was discharged from the army in 2013. Botashev was a defendant in a criminal case. He was charged with the destruction of a Su-27 combat aircraft.

According to Novaya Gazeta, Botashev arrived at military unit 23326-2 in 2012, where he asked its commander Yevgeny Oleinik, his comrade, to "ride" the Su-27UB. Botashev sat in the co-pilot's seat and, together with Oleinik, they performed several maneuvers in the air. However, Botashev wanted to perform the "ringing bell" aerobatics, after which the pilots lost control of the car and ejected. They were both fired from the army.

Before that, Botashev commanded the Baltimore air base in Voronezh. Previously, Su-24 bombers and MiG-25 interceptors were based there. Currently - Su-34 bombers.



The Russian occupier was liquidated as a result of the Stinger hitting the Russian plane in the Popasnaya area.

Commentators on Russian social media admit that Botashev was destroyed after he dropped unguided charges on peaceful Ukrainian cities.

"The first approach of the NAR-s (unguided aircraft missile, - ed.), the second bomb. Stinger at the exit from the attack, an explosion in the air",

- tell the details of the destruction of the general-rashist.

It is possible that Botyshev became a mercenary in the PMC Wagner. Russian Telegram channels reported that this PMC had its own attack aircraft.

"Rumors about aviation over Popasna with unconventional markings for the PKS of Russia and the Ukrainian Air Force did appear. There is a trend in the world now for car sharing, the orchestra has been using plane sharing for a long time, whoever is in the subject knows it," the Russian media wrote.


Botashev Kanamat Khuseevich (b. 1959, village of Nizhnyaya Teberda, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region) Major General (11/6/2008),

graduated from high school (1976),

attempted to enter the Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov in Sevastopol (1976),

1st year of the Astrakhan Naval School (1976-77),

graduated from the Yeisk Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots. V.M. Komarov (1981)

and the Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Federation (2010);

best pilot of the Trans-Baikal Military District (2007),

commander of the air division of the Trans-Baikal Military District (2008-10), in Voronezh commander of the 7000th air base of the first category (2010-12), commander of military unit 23326 of the Western Military District, head of the Besovets airport training training flights, arbitrarily performed aerobatics \ bell \, convicted by a military court under Article 351 "Violation of flight rules" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, sentenced to 4 years of probation and compensation to the state for damage in the amount of 5 million rubles, Su-27 fighter crashed near Petrozavodsk - UB cannot be restored, the pilots \ Colonel Yevgeny Oleinik \ capulted (28.6.2012); appointed commander of the guards aviation base of the 1st category of military unit No. 69806 in Shagol, Chelyabinsk region. (9.8.2012), transferred to the reserve at his own request (2012),

Honorary citizen of Karachaevsk (2010);

younger brother Muradin Khuseevich (born in 1963), colonel, graduated from the Ordzhonikidze Military School of Air Defense and the Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, chief of staff - deputy. Commander of the Baltic Fleet in Kaliningrad (2007-12);

mother Lyuaza Mussaevna, father Husey Ilyasovich raised one daughter

  • Patia and

6 sons:

  • Marat,
  • Murat,
  • Kanamat,
  • Muradin,
  • Aitek,
  • Khadzhibiy;

As a child, Kanamat mostly lived with the family of my aunt Mukuyat. Mukuyat and her husband Khasan Magulaev were childless and begged me to give Kanamata to them. People are close, live side by side, and I agreed. Aunt, of course, called me Khusei, and Kanamat repeats whatever he hears ... The Magulayevs, of course, spoiled him very much - Kanamat was a light in the window for them, but his son’s directness, honesty, independence, readiness to help anyone, whoever needs it is also their capital, their upbringing.

see: Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper 12/28/2011 and 3/12/2012


Source: gruz200.net

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