1 |  | Neatkarību iegūst - bijušās Kurzemes kolonija Jaunkurzeme (1639.-1693.) Tobago | 31.08.1962 | lv |
2 |  | Generalissimo Francisco Franco conquered Madrid, after a 3 year siege, to gain victory in the Spanish Civil War | 28.03.1939 | en, lv |
3 |  | The Spanish Inquisition was officially ended after nearly 356 years of existence | 15.07.1834 | en, lv |
4 |  | Peru deklarēja neatkarību no Spānijas | 28.07.1821 | lv, pl |
5 |  | Izveidota Holandes Republika | 26.07.1581 | lv |
6 |  | The Jews are expelled from Spain | 31.03.1492 | en, lv, pl |
7 |  | Scotland reaffirmed its independence in the Declaration of Arbroath, a letter sent to Pope John XXII | 06.04.1320 | en, lv, pl |