Reina nightclub 'terror' attack leaves 39 dead and 70 injured after gunman opens fire in Istanbul

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This attack came during a period of heightened security measures in the city, with 17,000 police officers on duty, following several terrorist attacks over the recent months, many perpetrated by the ISIS or Kurdish militants.


A gunman, opened fire in the nightclub at about 1:15 am. He reportedly carried an AK-47 and entered the nightclub after killing a police officer at the gate. The attacker reportedly spoke Arabic and is still on the loose. Authorities had earlier claimed that one gunman entered the nightclub and was later killed by the police, while some witness testimonies in the Turkish media suggested more than one attacker.  The Turkish government has ordered a temporary media blackout citing concerns over security and public order.

At the time of the attack, about 700 people were at the nightclub to celebrate the New Year. At least 39 were killed (including 15 foreigners) and at least 69 others were injured. Police set up a cordon around the nightclub. A number of people jumped into the Bosphorus to escape the attack.

Istanbul's governor Vasip Şahin has said the attack was a terrorist attack.

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