Red Flag Unfurled Over The Holy Dome Of Jamkarān Mosque

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First Time In The History, Red Flag Unfurled Over The Holy Dome Of Jamkarān Mosque, Qom Iran.

Red Flag : A Symbol Of Severe Battle To Come.

Красный флаг мести поднят в Иране

Qom is the seventh metropolis and also the seventh largest city in Iran. Qom is the capital of Qom Province. It is located 140 km (87 mi) to the south of Tehran. At the 2016 census, its population was 1,201,158. It is situated on the banks of the Qom River.

Qom is considered holy by Shiʿa Islam, as it is the site of the shrine of Fatimah bint Musa, sister of Imam Ali ibn Musa Rida (Persian Imam Reza, 789–816 CE). The city is the largest center for Shiʿa scholarship in the world, and is a significant destination of pilgrimage, with around twenty million pilgrims visiting the city every year, the majority being Iranians but also other Shi'a Muslims from all around the world. Qom is famous for a Persian brittle toffee known as Sohan (Persian: سوهان), considered a souvenir of the city and sold by 2,000 to 2,500 "Sohan" shops.

Qom has developed into a lively industrial centre owing in part to its proximity to Tehran. It is a regional centre for the distribution of petroleum and petroleum products, and a natural gas pipeline from Bandar Anzali and Tehran and a crude oil pipeline from Tehran run through Qom to the Abadan refinery on the Persian Gulf. Qom gained additional prosperity when oil was discovered at Sarajeh near the city in 1956 and a large refinery was built between Qom and Tehran.

The Jamkaran Mosque (Persian: مسجد جمکران‎) is one of the primary significant mosques in the city of Qom, Iran.

For the first time in the history of Iran, a red flag was raised over the Holy Dome of Jamkaran Mosque symbolising both blood spilled unjustly and serving as a call to avenge people who are killed.

“Those who want to avenge the blood of Hussein,” the war flag reads the words.

The red flag was raised on top of one of the biggest and most important mosques in the holy city of Qom. This was done in honor of Qassem Suleimani and other officers people who were assassinated by the US.

Therefore, Iran pledged that it will avenge their martyrdom.

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