1 |  | Latvijā ierodas Velsas princis Čārlzs, kuru ar neļķi iepļaukā 16 gadus vecā Alīna Ļebedeva | 08.11.2001 | lv |
2 |  | Princeses Diānas un viņas drauga Dodī al Faeida bojāeja Parīzē | 31.08.1997 | lv, ru |
3 |  | 144 people, 116 of them children, were killed in landslide in the small Welsh mining village of Aberfan | 21.10.1966 | en, fr, lv, pl, ru |
4 |  | Dibināta brīvmūrnieku Rīgas loža "Jāņuguns" | 17.11.1924 | lv |
5 |  | Gadu pēc angļu un īru līguma noslēgšanas nodibināta Īrijas brīvvalsts | 06.12.1922 | lv, pl |
6 |  | The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) was officially formed | 18.10.1922 | en, lv, pl |
7 |  | Londonā tika noslēgts angļu un īru līgums | 06.12.1921 | lv, pl |
8 |  | King of the United Kingdom Edward VII was crowned in Westminster Abbey | 09.08.1902 | en |
9 |  | Džons Heršels uzņēma pirmo fotogrāfiju uz stikla plates un nosauca to par "fotogrāfiju" | 09.09.1839 | lv |
10 |  | The Act of Union which joined the Kingdoms of England and Scotland to form the 'Kingdom of Great Britain' took effect | 01.05.1707 | en, lv |
11 |  | The Scottish Parliament ratified the Act of Union. Creation of Great Britain | 16.01.1707 | en, lv |
12 |  | Princis Džeimss Frensiss Edvards Stjuarts kļuva par jauno pretendentu uz Skotijas troni kā karalis Džeimss VIII un Anglijas troni kā karalis Džeimss III | 16.09.1701 | lv |
13 |  | First English Civil War. The Battle of Edgehill | 23.10.1642 | en, lv, pl, ru |
14 |  | Elizabeth I ordered the arrest of Mary, Queen of Scots. Many Catholics considered her the legitimate sovereign | 19.05.1568 | en, lv |
15 |
| English forces defeated the Scots at the Battle of Flodden and killed James IV of Scotland | 09.09.1513 | en, lv, pl |
16 |  | The Wars of Scottish Independence ended | 01.05.1328 | en, lv |
17 |  | The Knights Templar were arrested by the King of France Philip IV, accused of sorcery & heresy | 13.10.1307 | en, lv |
18 |  | Scottish King Macbeth was killed at the Battle of Lumphanan | 15.08.1057 | en, lv, pl |