1 |
| 2 Vietnamese tourists have been killed when home-made bomb hit bus carrying foreign tourists near the Giza Pyramids | 28.12.2018 | en, lv |
2 |  | Terorists sarīko apšaudi kafejnīcā, Toronto, Kanādā. 2 cilvēki miruši, vismaz 12 ievainoti. Uzbrucējs likvidēts | 23.07.2018 | lv |
3 |  | At least 155 people were killed and 80 injured after militants targeted a mosque with a bomb gunfire in Egypt | 24.11.2017 | en, lv |
4 |
| Six female tourists stabbed in Hurghada holiday resort, Egypt. Two Ukrainian women dead | 14.07.2017 | en, lv |
5 |  | Gunshots near Resorts World Manila in the Philippines | 01.06.2017 | en, lv |
6 |  | Coptic Bishop reports the number killed in bus attack could be as high as 35 in Menyah, Egypt | 26.05.2017 | en, lv |
7 |  | Sīrijā ISIS atkal veikuši masu nāvessodu tiešraidē. 33 vīrieši vecumā no 18 līdz 25 nodurti | 05.04.2017 | lv |
8 |  | Nemmersdorfas slaktiņš. PSRS Sarkanā armija izvaro un noslepkavo ap 70 civiliedzīvotājus | 21.10.1944 | lv |