Moscow psychiatric hospital fire

Additional information

The 2013 Moscow psychiatric hospital fire occurred on 26 April 2013 at 2:30 am Moscow Time (22:30 GMT). At least 38 people were killed, included 36 patients and two doctors after fires raged through a psychiatric hospital outside Moscow in the village of Ramenskyon, 70 miles north of Moscow in Moscow Oblast on April 26, 2013. 29 people were burned alive, killing some patients in their beds and others who were trapped by barred windows. Only 3 people survived, including 2 patients and a nurse.

The fire broke out on the 26th April 2013 at 2:30 Moscow Time (22:30 GMT) in a psychiatric hospital near Moscow in a village called Ramenskyon which is located approximately 70 miles north of Moscow in the Moscow Oblast in European Russia. The fire ignited of the 2nd floor of the 2 storey building in a patient's bed. 3 doctors and 1 nurse ran to the bed but were burned alive immediately. The fire raged through the 2nd floor and killed everyone on that floor. 6 minutes later, the 2nd floor collapsed and crushed patients on the ground floor. 4 minutes later, the fire services reached the hospital and put out the blaze in under 3 hours. When the fire finally settled in the morning, the fire brigade broke into the building an searched for survivors but only found 3 injured people alive: a nurse or the 1st floor and 2 patients on the ground floor.


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