1 |  | Liebritānijas tronī mirušo karalieni Elizabeti II nomaina karalis Ričards III | 08.09.2022 | lv |
2 |  | George V becomes King of the United Kingdom | 06.05.1910 | en, lv, pl |
3 |  | First English Civil War. The Battle of Edgehill | 23.10.1642 | en, lv, pl, ru |
4 |  | The English Parliament re-established Catholicism | 12.11.1555 | en, lv |
5 |  | The coronation of Mary I in 1553 at Westminster Abbey | 01.10.1533 | en |
6 |  | Henry IV was proclaimed King of England. | 30.09.1399 | en |
7 |  | The Knights Templar were arrested by the King of France Philip IV, accused of sorcery & heresy | 13.10.1307 | en, lv |
8 |  | Philip Augustus of France defeated King John of England at the Battle of Bouvines in France | 27.07.1214 | en |
9 |  | King John of England married Isabella of Angouleme in Bordeaux Cathedral | 23.08.1200 | en |
10 |  | Normandijas hercogs Viljams tika kronēts par Anglijas karali Viljamu I. | 26.12.1066 | lv |
11 |  | Harolds II Godvinsons kļūst par Anglijas karali | 06.01.1066 | lv |
12 |  | Scottish King Macbeth was killed at the Battle of Lumphanan | 15.08.1057 | en, lv, pl |
13 |  | "Edgar the Peaceful" became King of England. His reign was peaceful due extremely repressive | 01.10.959 | en |
14 |  | King Edmund I of England was murdered by Leofa, an exiled thief, while attending a church service | 26.05.946 | en, lv |