1 |  | Two Islamic extremists have opened fire on a Catholic church in Istanbul. At least one person killed | 28.01.2024 | en |
2 |  | Spēcīga vētra Stambulā, Turcijā. Vismaz 4 cilvēki gājuši bojā, vairāki desmiti ievainoti | 29.11.2021 | lv |
3 |  | Beirutā, Libānā, pirotehnikas rūpnīcas aizdegšanās rezultātā noticis spēcīgs sprādziens, pilnībā nopostot ostas teritoriju. Vismaz 155 bojāgājušo | 04.08.2020 | lv |
4 |  | Terror attack on a police bus in the center of Mersin, Turkey. At least 12 people were injured | 17.10.2017 | en |
5 |  | Russian ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov killed in Ankara | 19.12.2016 | en, lv, pl, ru |
6 |  | Explosions rock central Istanbul, Turkey 41 killed | 10.12.2016 | en, lv |
7 |
| Anadolu: Turkish airstrikes in northern Syria kill up to 200 PYD/PKK terrorists, military says | 20.10.2016 | en |
8 |  | At least 3 killed, over 120 injured in car bomb attack on police HQ in Elazığ, Turkey | 18.08.2016 | en, lv |
9 |  | Explosion and gunfire at international terminal of Atatürk Airport in Turkey's İstanbul. At least 41 dead, more than 230 wounded | 28.06.2016 | en, lv, pl, ru |
10 |  | Aizdedzies autobuss Stambulas centrā | 17.04.2016 | lv |
11 |  | Two explosions at Brussels airport | 22.03.2016 | en, lv, pl, ru |
12 |  | At least 29 killed and more than 60 injured after 'car bomb' hits centre of Turkish capital. Ankara explosion | 17.02.2016 | en, lv, pl, ru |
13 |  | Istanbul airport explosion kills one person on board plane and damages three aircraft 1,000ft away | 23.12.2015 | en, lv |
14 |  | At least 120 killed, more than 516 wounded at hospitals in 2 explosions Ankara, Turkey | 10.10.2015 | en, lv, pl, ru |
15 |
| 48 osób zginęło, a 79 zostało rannych w zamachu bombowym na szkołę w mieście Potiskum w północnej Nigerii | 10.11.2014 | pl |
16 |  | Burgas bus bombing | 18.07.2012 | de, en, lv, pl, ru |
17 |  | 7 July 2005 London bombings | 07.07.2005 | de, en, lt, lv, pl, ru |
18 |
| W samobójczym zamachu bombowym członka Hamasu na autobus w centrum Tel Awiwu zginęły 22 osoby, a 50 zostało rannych | 19.10.1994 | pl |
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| W zamachu na żydowską restaurację w Paryżu zginęło 6 osób, a 22 zostały ranne | 09.08.1982 | pl |
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| 175 osób zginęło w wyniku eksplozji bomby podłożonej w budynku Frontu Wyzwolenia Palestyny w Bejrucie | 13.08.1978 | pl |