First Warsaw Marathon

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The Warsaw Marathon is an annual marathon race, which takes place in the heart of Poland's capital, Warsaw. It's the oldest annual marathon in Poland. It has been held since September 30, 1979. In the first race, the length of the course was just 40.6 km, and not the normal, classic distance of 42 km and 195 metres.

Warsaw Marathon is organized by Fundacja Maraton Warszawski Non-governmental organization. From 2013 Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń polish insurance company became a title sponsor and the name of the marathon was changed to PZU Warsaw Marathon. The goal for the organizers is to be in top 5 marathon races in the Europe in the next couple of years.

The event takes place in the last Sunday of September. Although the main attraction is the marathon on the last weekend of September there are additional events organized:

  • "High Five Race" (5 km race)
  • Handbike Marathon
  • Activities for children
  • Running Seminars
  • Sport & Fitness Expo


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