1 |  | US Marine Corps V-22B Osprey aircraft, taking part in a NATO exercise, has crashed in Norway, killing all 4 Americans on board | 18.03.2022 | en |
2 |  | 4 people were killed and 7 people injured in motel fire, Las Vegas, USA | 21.12.2019 | en |
3 |  | The Coast Guard says 33 people are missing after a fire broke out aboard a dive boat off the coast of Southern California | 02.09.2019 | en, lv |
4 |  | Plane crashes into apartment complex parking lot in Fredericksburg, Texas | 17.11.2018 | en |
5 |  | Havanas lidostā avarējusi vietējā reisa lidmašīna Boeing 737 ar 104 pasažieriem | 18.05.2018 | lv |
6 |  | Mežu ugunsgrēks Portugālē - 62 upuri | 18.06.2017 | lv, ru |
7 |  | EgyptAir says flight from Paris to Cairo missing | 19.05.2016 | en, lv, pl, ru, ua |
8 |  | In Madeira Island, Portugal, heavy rain causes floods and mudslides, resulting in at least 43 deaths, in the worst disaster in the history of the archipelago | 20.02.2010 | en, pl |
9 |  | Gol Transportes Aéreos Flight 1907 | 29.09.2006 | de, en, fr, pl, ru |
10 |  | Zaļā Raga Salas (Kaboverde) ieguva neatkarību no Portugāles | 05.07.1975 | lv, pl |
11 |  | Lielā Lisabonas zemestrīce | 31.10.1755 | lv |
12 |
| The Spanish Armada, with 130 ships and 30,000 men, sets sail from Lisbon, Portugal, heading for the English Channel. | 28.05.1588 | en |
13 |  | Pirmo reizi minēts fakts par kartupeļu ievešanu Anglijā no Kolumbijas | 03.12.1586 | lv, ru |
14 |  | Portugālis Gaspars de Lemušs kā pirmais eiropietis sasniedza Riodežaneiro līci | 20.01.1502 | lv |
15 |  | Anglo-Portuguese Alliance between England (succeeded by the United Kingdom) and Portugal is the oldest alliance in the world which is still in force | 13.06.1373 | en, lv |