A Russian Airbus A321 has crashed in central Sinai with more than 200 people on board

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The Airbus A-321 had just taken off from the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, on its way to the Russian city of St Petersburg. There were conflicting reports about the fate of the plane, some suggesting it had disappeared over Cyprus. Most of the passengers are said to be Russian tourists. The plane is operated by the Russian airline Kogalymavia. Latest reports say it is carrying 217 passengers and seven crew.

Kogalymavia Flight 9268 (KGL 9268/7K9268) was an international chartered passenger flight, operated by Russian airline Kogalymavia (branded as Metrojet), that crashed in northern Sinai following departure from Sharm el-Sheikh International Airport, Egypt, to Pulkovo Airport, St Petersburg, Russia on 31 October 2015 at 04:13 UTC (06:13 Egypt Standard Time). The aircraft, an Airbus A321-231, was carrying 217 passengers and seven crew members.

Видео из самолета Когалымавиа разбившегося в Египте 31 10 2015

As well as the crew, 214 of those aboard were Russian and three were Ukrainian, mostly tourists.

With the death toll of 224 people, the crash of Flight 9268 is the deadliest in Egyptian history, surpassing the 2004 crash of Flash Airlines Flight 604. It is also the deadliest aircrash involving an Airbus A321, surpassing the 2010 crash of AirBlue Flight 202 in Pakistan, and the deadliest of the Airbus A320 family, surpassing TAM Flight 3054 in 2007.

First video from 7K9268 A321 crash site in Sinai

hot line info:

8-(800)-100-2001, 8-(812)-299-99-99

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